
Product Development within an Agile Management Framework

2016-03-26 15:52:23
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During the product-development phase of an agile management project, most of the activity naturally falls to the development team. The product owner continues to work with the development team on an as-needed basis to provide clarification and to approve developed functionality. The scrum master focuses on protecting the development team from outside disruptions and removing impediments the development team encounters.

To sustain agile practices during development, be sure to

  • Pair up development team members to complete tasks. Doing so enhances the quality of the work and encourages sharing skills.

  • Follow the development team's agreed-upon design standards. If you can't, revisit these standards and improve them.

  • If new, nice-to-have features become apparent during development, add them to the product backlog. Avoid working on new features that are outside the sprint goal.

  • Integrate changes made during the day, one set at a time. Test for 100 percent correctness. Integrate changes at least once a day; some teams integrate several times a day.

  • Create technical documentation as you work. Don't wait until the end of the sprint or, worse still, the end of the sprint prior to a release.

If you're developing software, add a couple more tips:

  • Start development by setting up automated tests.

  • Undertake code reviews to ensure that the code follows development standards. Identify areas that need revising. Add the revisions as tasks in the sprint backlog.

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About the book author:

Mark C. Layton, "Mr. Agile®," is an executive and BoD advisor. He is the Los Angeles chair for the Agile Leadership Network, a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), and founder of agile transformation firm Platinum Edge. Mark is also coauthor of Agile Project Management For Dummies.