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Connect to the life-force energy of the universe for healing, relaxation, and spiritual growth.
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Cheat Sheet / Updated 05-17-2022
Reiki is a spiritual practice of healing. You can delve into the components of the system, which include attunements and symbols and the three levels of training.
View Cheat SheetArticle / Updated 03-26-2016
Reiki is a gentle healing energy. Your body can use this energy for just about anything it needs. Here are some common reasons to use Reiki: You're stressed out and need some tender loving care. You're taking doctor-prescribed medications and want to reduce or eliminate the side effects of these drugs. You're low on energy or feel blah or unmotivated and need a pick-me-up. You haven't been sleeping well. You feel stuck emotionally or mentally and want some insights on how to move forward. You just want a delicious treat for your body, mind, and spirit. You can think of Reiki as a dose of love. When you receive a Reiki session, you'll feel the effects that love can give you. This isn't love from any particular person; it's just the essence of love and how that can heal you. How can Reiki help you? In oh so many ways. Reiki helps you to do the following: Relax: The desire to feel more relaxed is the main reason people try Reiki. If you're feeling anxious, stressed, or tense, Reiki can help you feel calmer. When you're feeling relaxed, your body is better able to handle life's ups and downs. Because Reiki aids relaxation, it can help you cope with and heal from any problem or illness. Handle a physical illness: Another main reason people try Reiki is to help overcome disease or pain. Your body is made of energy, and Reiki helps balance your energy and remove any blocks to the flow of energy. Reiki works not only to reduce anxiety, lessen pain, and relax you but also works at the underlying cause of disease. In a family situation, Reiki helps to heal everything from minor scrapes and bruises to the flu or even major accidents or long-standing illnesses. At the very least, Reiki relaxes you enough so that you can have a better attitude toward your illness, which helps you get better quicker. Handle an emotional upset: After you suffer a loss, such as the death of a loved one or the end of relationship, you can surely benefit from the boost that Reiki can provide. Here are some examples of times to try Reiki: • When you suffer an emotional shock, such as the loss of a relative or friend: Even if you suffer a tragic loss, Reiki can be one of the methods to help yourself cope with this loss and rebuild your life. • During life transitions: Changes in life, even positive changes, can be stressful. Moving home, starting a new job, or having a baby can stir up the emotional pot, and Reiki can help you make sense of your situation and feel ready for change. • If you're in emotional burnout: Perhaps you're taking care of an elderly parent, trying to be supermom to young children, or working two jobs to make ends meet. If you feel like you're at the end of your rope or about to fall apart, Reiki can help. • When you're making decisions: Suppose that you have a major life decision to make and you feel stuck. You may be trying to figure out whether to change a relationship or job or what course of action to take for a business venture. Perhaps you want some clarity about what to do about a physical ailment. Reiki helps you relax, and while you're relaxing, the answer just might come to you! Feel spiritually connected: As you relax with Reiki, you detach from your everyday cares and worries. Now you can hear the still voice inside of you. You can feel peace. You're connecting with your higher self and with spirit. Also, some people find that Reiki helps their intuitive process, so you just might awaken your inner psychic!
View ArticleArticle / Updated 03-26-2016
Reiki is popping up all over the place, but lots of folks are still confused about what Reiki is exactly. In the context here, Reiki is both: A healing system that channels universal life-force energy: This system was originally developed by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s in Japan. The name of the energy itself: Rei means spiritual wisdom, and ki means energy, so Reiki means spiritual energy. Some people use the word Reiki as a verb, as in "I will Reiki him." What they are saying is, "I will give Reiki to him." Reiki is available to everyone. Anyone of any age or illness level can receive Reiki. Even newborn babies or people at the end of life can benefit from the relaxation that Reiki provides. What Reiki is In short, Reiki gives you what you need, whether it's a release of tension or an energy boost, or both. To help you more fully understand what Reiki gives you, here are some terms used to describe Reiki: Gentle: Reiki's touch is soft and light. Harmless: Reiki can have only positive results. Natural: You don't need any equipment or tools. Healing: The highest level of healing is the goal of Reiki. Balancing: Reiki will balance your energy levels. Relaxing: The top reason to try Reiki is to feel the bliss of deep relaxation. Energizing: If you're drained of energy, Reiki will revive you. What Reiki isn't Knowing what Reiki isn't is as important as knowing what it is: Reiki is not religious. Reiki is totally nondenominational. You can practice any religion (or none) and still use and benefit from Reiki. Reiki Founder Mikao Usui was influenced by the religions of his country, Shintoism and Buddhism. But Reiki isn't associated with any religion, and people of all faiths and beliefs are Reiki practitioners. Reiki isn't New Age either. Reiki is not massage or reflexology. Reiki is an energy-healing system and not a manipulative system (hands moving the body). Reiki is distinct from reflexology and massage. But Reiki is sometimes confused with other hands-on healing arts, especially reflexology. Making the religion/spirituality distinction Reiki isn't a religion, but it is spiritual. The distinction between spirituality and religion has caused a lot of confusion with regard to Reiki. These concepts are overlapping but separate. Spirituality is the belief in your connection with the divine, no matter whether you call it a higher power, God, spirit, soul, or even the stars. The purpose of spiritual development is to improve this connection and see the divinity within yourself and all around you. Religion provides guidance on how to develop yourself spiritually. It tells you what the divine looks like and gives you frameworks of texts, places of worship, and guides to support you. You can be part of a religion and not have a spiritual connection. You can have a spiritual connection and not belong to a religion. Reiki provides a means for spiritual growth. No matter what your religious background, you'll find that the principles are relevant and don't conflict with your religious practice. In fact, Reiki should enhance your personal religious connection. The spiritual aspects of Reiki enable you to do the following: Connect to a higher source: You use prayer and meditation to connect to God or the higher power of your own beliefs. Spiritual connection provides the never-ending supply of Reiki energy. Channel the higher energy: Reiki healing energy is not from the practitioner but comes through the practitioner from God or another higher power. Keep spiritually healthy: Just as you maintain your physical health with nutritious food, fresh air, and exercise, you also need to maintain your spiritual health. Prayer, meditation, quiet times, and spiritual exercise (doing kind acts) can help in this regard. Reiki uses the following spiritual tools: Reiki principles, meditation, and symbols and chanting.
View ArticleArticle / Updated 03-26-2016
Reiki practitioners come in all ages, shapes, and sizes. You can even give Reiki to yourself if you have studied Reiki. Here are two types of Reiki practitioners you'll encounter: A friend or family member who practices Reiki: You might find out about Reiki from a friend or relative who then extends an informal offer to give you a Reiki treatment in your home. A professional Reiki practitioner: You generally pay for these services, which are provided in a specially designated location. Professionalism in Reiki is growing as more practitioners establish businesses where they provide Reiki. The difference between a professional Reiki session and a freebie session from a friend is like the difference between a chef's meal cooked at home or cooked in his restaurant. Both are exquisite but are prepared in different environments. A Reiki practitioner is a professional just like a massage therapist, chiropractor, or even a doctor. The Reiki practitioner has spent time learning his trade and polishing his skills. In the future, health insurers may cover Reiki services. Locating a professional practitioner If you're ready to try a private Reiki session, how can you find a good practitioner? You can find Reiki in a beauty salon, a chiropractor's office, a village hall, or a private office. Try these suggestions: Get personal recommendations. Nothing beats a positive reference from someone who's actually been to a Reiki practitioner. Ask your friends and family and your health care practitioners, including massage therapists, chiropractors, and psychologists, if they can recommend a Reiki practitioner. Go to your local Reiki circles that are open to the public. Individual Reiki practitioners or groups of Reiki practitioners may run regular Reiki circles or host special Reiki events in your neighborhood. These public events give you the opportunity to try out Reiki and ask about Reiki practitioners in your area. The sessions are usually shorter than the usual private session, and you may have more than one person working on you. Look in your local newspaper. They may have ads or news stories about Reiki practitioners. Call your local hospital. Some hospitals run Reiki programs or have Reiki practitioners on staff. Interviewing your potential practitioner After you have the names of some professional Reiki practitioners, you can contact them by phone or in person to see which one appears to best meet your needs. Ask them the following questions: What level of Reiki are you? A professional Reiki practitioner should have studied 2nd-degree Reiki or beyond. Although people with 1st-degree Reiki training may treat family members or within the setting of a Reiki circle, they don't have the experience to treat professionally. What healing systems do you use alongside Reiki, if any? Find out whether they use other systems of healing, such as reflexology or polarity therapy. Some massage therapists or other healers combine Reiki with other healing arts. Let the practitioner know if you want a combined session (which sometimes costs more) or want to receive only Reiki. What do you see as the value of Reiki, especially for me? This question is important because it gives insight into the practitioner's view on how Reiki can help you. See whether the answer meshes with how you feel about receiving Reiki. How many sessions do they think I will need? This answer gives you further insight into the practitioner's perspective on how Reiki works. Some practitioners recommend a series of appointments, especially for dealing with long-term illness or stress. Others take a more laid-back approach and leave it to you to decide. How long have you have practiced Reiki? It helps if the practitioner has been working on her own healing with Reiki or another healing modality for at least a year if not decades! However, it's quality over quantity when it comes to practicing Reiki, as some people work on healing for years to get to the same place as another person can get in a year. On a practical note, consider these questions for yourself: Is the location of Reiki convenient for you? The closer to home, the easier it will be for you to get there. Can you afford the price of the Reiki? You'll be more likely to repeat your Reiki experience if you can pay the fee. If the cost is too high, speak to the practitioner. Some Reiki professionals use a sliding fee scale. Can the practitioner travel to your home or office? Some Reiki practitioners, like their massage therapist counterparts, take traveling Reiki tables and travel to a location of your choice. Doing so frequently involves a greater cost, as the price of the session includes travel expenditures. However, this service is useful if you are homebound. Do you feel comfortable with this person? This is the most important thing. For you to be able to relax, you need to have some basic trust that the person knows what she is doing and treats you with respect. Trust your gut (your intuition) when choosing a Reiki practitioner. If someone "feels" right to you, then she is, no matter what the answers to any questions might be. On the same note, if someone "feels" wrong, then that person isn't the right one for you, no matter how well recommended the person might be.
View ArticleArticle / Updated 03-26-2016
The ancient art of crystal healing relies on the subtle energy emanations of different crystals. Crystals are used nowadays in medical machinery and quartz watches, as well as to adorn the body as jewelry. Crystal healing is increasingly recognized as a useful complementary medicine. The use of crystals for healing is a separate practice from that of Reiki, but many Reiki practitioners like to have crystals on hand and may use them alongside Reiki. Using crystals with Reiki is like having an extra pair of hands! When you decide to use crystals along with Reiki, it helps to know just what type of stone you have or which type of stone to look for. Here's some background on where crystals come from and which ones are gems. You might sense the earth as solid, but deep within our planet, molten lava or magma bubbles away. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes result from the constant activity and eventual release of pressure from the steam of hot magma. Thankfully, the earth's surface is a solid layer that contains mountains, rocks, sand, and crystals. If you went on a hike through desert mountains, where the earth's crust is more revealed due to the absence of abundant plant life, you might find the following: Elements: The chemical components of the earth are called elements. Silver, gold, and iron are examples of elements that on their own make up crystals. The chemical symbols for these elements are Ag for silver, Au for gold, and Fe for iron. Minerals: Most minerals are made from combinations of elements. Two or more elements combine to form a mineral. Chalcedony, for example, is a type of mineral formed by the chemical elements silicon (Si) and oxygen (O2) to form silicon dioxide (SiO2). Other elements may combine with the silicon dioxide to give other minerals different colors. Red chalcedony is formed from silicon dioxide plus iron. Crystals: The repeated arrangement of minerals into distinct geometric shapes is called a crystal. The geometric pattern or shape is unique to each type of crystal. Crystals are fascinating because of this beautifully ordered construction. Rocks: A rock or stone is a hard substance formed from minerals or petrified life forms. Crystals are frequently found within rocks. Gems: A gem is a crystal stone (or pearl) that is considered precious due to its ability to be cut, polished, and used in jewelry or other products. Diamonds, emeralds, and pearls are examples of gems. Some gems come from living things rather than minerals. This category includes pearls, coral, amber, and jet. Like their mineral counterparts, these remnants of life also emit a subtle energy, and though they are not really crystals, they are included in the practice of crystal healing. Crystals are made of minerals, which are made of elements. Crystals are sometimes considered gems (which will make them more expensive to obtain), and crystals are found in rocks. Many crystals used for healing purposes are reasonably priced, including the powerful clear quartz crystal that is used to amplify healing. Herkimer diamonds, for example (which aren't really diamonds but a type of quartz found exclusively in Herkimer County, New York) are clear stones. Colored types of quartz are also available, including smoky quartz and rose quartz.
View ArticleArticle / Updated 03-26-2016
Animals, like people, benefit from Reiki. Whether you have cats, dogs, birds, fish, ferrets, horses, or other larger animals, you can use Reiki to help your pets. Any animal that receives regular grooming from a human is probably receptive to being touched for Reiki. If you want to give Reiki to an animal who is not usually touched, such as fish or wild animals, use techniques where you give Reiki from afar, such as beaming and distant Reiki. Knowing when and where to go for Reiki Reiki works well with animals for the same reasons it works well on children and people of all ages. Have you ever noticed that when you pet an animal, he rolls over to receive more or looks at you with lovey-dovey eyes or sighs? Animals respond to your loving touch and intention. Reiki is another way to help your animals feel better. You can give Reiki to animals in the following situations: When they are ill: Reiki helps the healing process and works with any type of medical intervention. When they are young or old: You can use Reiki on an animal of any age or situation. When they have been through a trauma: Animals can use loving energy after they've experienced any type of abuse, loss, or move, or if they seem to exhibit depression or other behavioral disorder. Even if you don't know what the problem is, you can use Reiki to help. Finding the right pet practitioner If your pet can travel, you can take him to a Reiki clinic. You may find that a pet trainer, pet groomer, or breeder also offers Reiki services. Here are some suggestions for finding a Reiki practitioner for your animal friend: Any Reiki practitioner can give Reiki to your pet, although some practitioners specialize in giving Reiki to animals. Animal lovers who work as animal handlers or in veterinarian's offices are taking Reiki training so they can use Reiki in their work. Some Reiki practitioners specialize in treating animals or even a particular type of animal. In some cities, you may find Reiki clinics for pets! Obviously, you need to have an animal who can travel and behave among other animals. You can learn Reiki yourself so you can help your animals. Listening to animals Animals differ in their responsiveness to Reiki depending on their illness, personality, and how well they know you. Here's how you can read an animal to determine how to administer Reiki: An animal may screech, fly, growl, hiss, or run away as a way of telling you it doesn't want to be touched. In that case, you can use distant Reiki or beaming techniques. An animal may let you perform hands-on Reiki but then shift positions or look at you funny. Move your hands a few inches above the body and continue Reiki, if you feel that it's still needed. An animal may tell you it wants Reiki by coming near you when you are giving Reiki to yourself or someone else. If you're lucky, an animal will move itself so you can give Reiki exactly where it's needed. Using different techniques If you feel comfortable or get an intuitive message to get closer to an animal, you can then try performing Reiki with your hands hovering above the pet. You can eventually move into an actual hands-on session. Adapt the techniques used for humans to animals. Because animals can't give their express permission for you to perform Reiki, make sure you approach any animal in a slow and respectful manner when starting to give Reiki. Doing so gives the animal the opportunity to understand what you are doing and lets the animal make his feelings known. You may want to start by beaming Reiki to the animal from across the room or sending distant Reiki. These techniques may be sufficient for treating an animal. Intention is the single most important factor in the success of a Reiki treatment. Intend or pray for the highest level of healing for the animal and that you be a pure channel of Reiki energy. Healing is not from you, but through you. Be clear about your role as a Reiki healer and why you are treating the animal. Here are the general techniques to use on animals: Distant Reiki: This type of Reiki can be performed from anywhere, so you don't need to be near the animal to do this. You can use this technique to treat any trauma an animal might have suffered in the past or to help the animal with any event in the future. Beaming Reiki from across the room: When you are with the animal, start with beaming to connect with the animal from a safe distance. You and Rover then get a chance to connect with each other before moving closer. Reiki with hands hovering over the body: Some pets tolerate this type of Reiki for a longer period of time than hands-on Reiki. Hands-on Reiki: Adapt the standard hand positions for humans to your pet. Some animals are much smaller, but the basic idea of anatomy is the same. Group Reiki: For larger animals, especially horses or large dogs, a few people can perform Reiki simultaneously, sending much love and healing at once. Giving Reiki to a sick animal helps the human companions of animals as much as it helps the animals themselves. As is the case for humans, Reiki healing sometimes leads to a curing of an animal's illness, but it may also lead to a peaceful death. Reiki doesn't change the natural order of events, but it enhances the experience by giving a dose of love.
View ArticleArticle / Updated 03-26-2016
Some of the symbols Reiki practitioners use do not directly derive from Mikao Usui's original teachings. If you want to delve further into their use, find a Reiki teacher who can initiate (give attunements) to the non-traditional Reiki symbols in the following list:
View ArticleArticle / Updated 03-26-2016
The sacred Reiki symbols can help clarify your personal meditation and may also help you channel the healing energy Reiki is all about. The sacred Reiki symbols and the realms they affect are shown in the following list:
View ArticleArticle / Updated 03-26-2016
Reiki contains five central elements that the practitioner uses to prepare to channel Reiki energy and heal themselves and others. Go through this list when preparing to give or receive Reiki: Attunements (initiations): Within a context of Reiki training, you are put “in tune” with the Reiki energy so that you have the life-long ability to channel the energy. Hand positions: Use a set of positions to know where to place your hands during a Reiki session. Self-Reiki hand positions: Use these positions to treat yourself with Reiki. Treating others hand positions: Use these positions to treat other people with Reiki. Meditation and focusing: Connect with the source of Reiki universal energy and concentrate the Reiki healing energy within yourself. Symbols: Use the Reiki symbols and the sound of their name as a mantra to connect with Reiki energy. Reiki Principles: The five principles of Reiki are used as the basis of a daily meditation practice.
View ArticleArticle / Updated 03-26-2016
Reiki is easy to learn, with only three levels of training to reach the level of Master. The following list decribes the three levels of Reiki training. Keep these in mind when training or when looking for a Reiki practitioner: 1st degree: Also called Reiki I or Shoden in Japanese. This is entry-level Reiki training where you study Reiki history, learn how to perform self-Reiki, and how to give Reiki to someone else, and are initiated (attuned) for life to the Reiki energy. 2nd degree: Also called Reiki II or Okuden in Japanese. You learn how to use the first three Reiki symbols and how to perform distant Reiki techniques. You receive further attunements to the Reiki energy. After this class, you are considered a Reiki practitioner. 3rd degree: Also called Reiki III or Shinpiden in Japanese. This is the Master Teacher level of Reiki, and the class may be separated into two parts. You receive the Master Reiki attunement and learn the Master Reiki symbol and how to give the Reiki attunements to others.
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