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ACT Books

ACT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies
Fast, focused test prep that will help you sail through the ACT ACT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies will calm your test-day jitters. Gain confidence with an overview of test content, what to expect on the day of the exam, and a short-form practice test with detailed explanations of the answers. This one-of-a-kind study guide is broken down into study blocks that you can tackle in 5 hours - all at once or over a few days. When you’ve finished practicing, you’ll find a section full of tips and reminders that you can review the night before, so test day will be a breeze. You’ll be on the fast track to ACT success with this book. Know what to expect on the ACT exam, including the content and test format Work through ACT example questions for every subject covered on the test Check your knowledge with a short sample test that includes detailed answers Improve your chances of getting into the college you want with a great score on the ACTACT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is perfect for high schoolers preparing to take the ACT and looking for a fast, focused study guide that won’t take months to work through.
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ACT Prep 2024 For Dummies with Online Practice
The time to ACT is now ACT Prep 2024 For Dummies helps you ace the ACT and begin your post-high school journey on the right foot. Inside, find everything you need to know about what’s on the test, plus strategies for how to maximize your score. Power through the reading comprehension and English sections, solve all those equations, know your science stuff, and show college admissions committees what you’re really made of. This friendly Dummies guide walks you through all the crucial content in each subject area with easy-to-understand explanations, flashcards, and online practice tests. Create a study plan that works for you, week-by-week, so you’ll be ready when test day arrives. Test your knowledge on three full-length ACT practice tests Impress college admissions committees by scoring your highest Get a full math refresher so you can score your highest on this much-feared test section Qualify for scholarships and boost your chances of getting into your top choice schoolACT Prep 2024 For Dummies will help you boost your score on this critical exam.
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ACT Prep 2023 For Dummies with Online Practice
Conquer test anxiety and prepare for the ACT like a pro Every year, hundreds of thousands of high school students take the ACT as part of the college admissions process. A good score on this exam could be the deciding factor that gets you accepted to your dream school. In ACT Prep 2023 For Dummies with Online Practice, you’ll find the hands-on and practical tools needed to succeed. Whether you need a math refresher or handy tips to power through the reading comprehension section, this book will guide you through each part of the exam with easy-to-read explanations, flash cards, and practice tests. In the book, you’ll find: Online access to useful practice tests Updated information on the reading comprehension section, as well as improved strategies for answering reading questions Fulsome explanations, descriptions, and techniques for all four required ACT subject areas—math, science, reading, and English—and the optional essayA must-have resource for anyone preparing for the challenging ACT exam, ACT Prep 2023 For Dummies with Online Practice can help you maximize your chances of getting into your dream university or college, as well as give you a leg up on securing valuable scholarships.
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ACT Prep 2025/2026 For Dummies
Watch the doors to your college of choice swing open after you rock the ACT The ACT is an important part of the college admissions process. A high score could land you acceptance to your top schools or even help you qualify for scholarships, so it's worth doing your best. ACT Prep 2025/2026 For Dummies gives you a refresher on all four required ACT subject areas—math, science, reading, and English—as well as tips for breezing through the optional essay. You'll also get a rundown on the new digital testing option. With classic Dummies-style explanations, three online practice tests, and more than 100 flashcards, this guide prepares you to ace the ACT and begin your post-high school journey on the right foot. Review all the content covered on the ACT and follow a structured study plan Practice with dozens of flashcards, sample questions, and access to THREE practice tests online Get clear explanations for the concepts that give you the most trouble If you're one of the hundreds of thousands of high schoolers taking the ACT exam this year, ACT Prep 2025/2026 For Dummies is your key to getting ready for test day.
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ACT For Dummies: Book + 3 Practice Tests Online + Flashcards, 7th Edition
Slay the ACT monster with this trusted and friendly guide to maximizing your test score, minimizing your fear, and acing your way into the college of your dreams. This updated edition schools you in winning study strategies and drills you to examination day perfection with exercises and practice problems that help you improve your performance, and become a lean, mean, test-crushing machine. Complete with updated math coverage to align with recent test changes, ACT For Dummies provides access to a companion website featuring three full-length practice tests, math flashcards, and real-time feedback on your performance.
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1,001 ACT questions with step-by-step solutions Ready to take the ACT? No sweat! With 1,001 ACT Practice Questions For Dummies you get 1,001 opportunities to prepare for the test. Complete with detailed, step-by-step solutions, each practice ACT question gets you one step closer to a great score on the most popular college admissions test—and getting into the school of your dreams. Practice your way to ACT test-taking perfection with the help of For Dummies! Includes one-year access to practice questions online Offers 1,001 practice questions—from easy to hard Tracks your progress, so you can see where you need more help and create your own question sets Provides detailed, step-by-step answers and explanations for every question If you're a student with college in your sights, 1,001 ACT Practice Questions For Dummies sets you up for success!
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ACT Math Prep For Dummies
Improve your score on the math section of the ACT A good math score on the ACT exam can set you on the path to a number of rewarding college programs and future careers, especially in the STEM fields. ACT Math Prep For Dummies walks you through this challenging exam section, with simple explanations of math concepts and proven test-taking strategies. Now including access to an all-new online test bank—so you can hammer out even more practice sessions—this book will help you hone your skills in pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and beyond. Handy problem-solving tips mean you’ll be prepared for the ever-more-advanced questions that the ACT throws at students each year. Learn exactly what you’ll need to know to score well on the ACT math section Get tips for solving problems quicker and making good guesses when you need to Drill down into more complex concepts like matrices and functions Practice, practice, practice, with three online testsIf you’re a high school student preparing to take the ACT and you need extra math practice, ACT Math Prep For Dummies has your back.
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