
Steady those nerves, sailor. We're here to help, with bite-sized content on understanding and overcoming fear and anxiety.

Anxiety Books

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3 results
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Social Anxiety For Dummies

Break free from social anxiety, one step at a time Feeling anxious around people? Not sure where to start? Then this user-friendly, practical resource might be exactly what you’re looking for. This workbook helps you tackle your fear of judgment and worry about what others think of you. You’ll find simple step-by-step instructions, worksheets and real-world examples to help you gain insight and control over your social anxiety. Social Anxiety For Dummies is a solution-focused guide to creating a new mindset about social anxiety and your ability to cope with it. This book has easy-to-understand information and effective strategies to help you make positive changes in your life. Packed with tips and tools to conquer your social anxiety Create positive self-talk, reduce avoidance and face your fears Discover how to deal with social situations, dating, public speaking, kids with social anxiety and workplace anxiety Explore how positive psychology can help you live a life of meaning, with or without social anxiety A complete guide with proven ideas, this is a jargon-free and a fun approach to gaining mastery over your social anxiety. Social Anxiety For Dummies puts you on the fast track to building your self-esteem and confidence.

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Anxiety For Dummies

Take control of your anxiety—and start living your life Feel like your life is spinning out of control? Not sure how to handle what seems like constant change and chaos? You’re not alone—the world has taken some pretty crazy turns recently—but if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you’re likely suffering far more than you need to. Anxiety is our natural reaction to unfamiliar, stressful, and dangerous situations, but for some of us this reaction can become all-consuming and ultimately debilitating. Anxiety For Dummies has the antidote to this, showing you how to manage feelings of uneasiness, distress, and dread—and take back control of your life. In a straightforward and friendly style, clinical psychologists Charles H. Elliot and Laura L. Smith show you how to pinpoint your triggers, use proven techniques and therapies, improve health and eating habits, and make other practical changes to your lifestyle that will have you feeling better fast. Understand what makes you anxious and learn to let go Change your thinking to “right-size” your worry Evaluate self-help as an adjunct to professional therapy Explore healthy lifestyles and medication options Including updates to the clinical literature and discussions of the impacts of world events—such as COVID-19—this book has everything you need to manage your worries and put you, not them, in charge of your life.

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Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Over 40 million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety. Help is here in this friendly guide, which offers sound advice on identifying anxiety triggers through taking self-tests, improving your eating habits, relaxing, and finding support for you and your loved ones. Now with 25% new and revised content, Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies, 2nd Edition explores all of the most common triggers for anxiety, recent developments in medications, newly emerging biologically oriented approaches for treating anxiety, and the most up-to-date advancements in psychotherapies.

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