Bass Guitar
Get with the rhythm as a bass guitarist. We'll help you master the basics, learn advanced techniques, and care for your instrument.
Bass Guitar Books

Bass Guitar
Bass Guitar For Dummies
Way more than just the bass-ics Whatever you're playing—funk, soul, rock, blues, country—the bass is the heart of the band. Bassists provide a crucial part of driving force and funky framework that other members of any and work off. From John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin, to "The Pixies’' Kim Deal, to James Brown's favored bassist, Jimmy Nolan, bass players have made big names for themselves and commanded respect throughout music history. In Bass Guitar For Dummies, Patrick Pfeiffer—who coached U2's Adam Clayton, among others—is your friendly guide to laying down the low end. Starting from the beginning with what bass and accessories to buy, the book shows you everything from how to hold and position your instrument to how to read music and understand chords. You'll develop your skills step-by-step until you’re confident playing your own solos and fills. Sharpen skills with instructional audio and video Discipline your play with exercises Understand chords, scales, and octaves Care for your instrument Whether you're new to the bass or already well into the groove, Bass Guitar For Dummies gives you the thorough balance of theory and practice that distinguishes the titanic Hall of Famer from the just so-so. P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you're probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Bass Guitar For Dummies (9781118748800). The book you see here shouldn't be considered a new or updated product. But if you're in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We're always writing about new topics!
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Bass Guitar
Bass Guitar Exercises For Dummies
Get ready to master the bass guitar faster than you can say “amplifier.” A staple of almost every genre of music out there, the bass guitar is a fundamental (and fun!) instrument that can now be easily learned by musicians of any experience level with Bass Guitar Exercises For Dummies. Complete with a bonus downloadable content, this book gives bassists a variety of tips and drills to help you strike a chord with any performance (even if it’s only for an audience of one). This book is an easy how-to that every bass player can appreciate. Bass Guitar Exercises For Dummies: Features a wide variety of 300+ exercises and technique-building practice opportunities tailored to bass guitar Offers exercises and chords for a variety of genres including funk, rock, blues, and reggae bass patterns Shows you proper hand and body posture as well as fingering and hand positions Concludes each lesson with a music piece for you to try Comes with an audio CD that includes practice pieces to accompany the exercises and drills presented in each section Helps you build your strength, endurance, and dexterity when playing bass Whether you're a beginner bass player or you're looking to give John Paul Jones a run for his money, Bass Guitar Exercises For Dummies is the book for you! Pick up your copy today.P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you're probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Bass Guitar Exercises For Dummies (9780470647226). The book you see here shouldn't be considered a new or updated product. But if you're in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We're always writing about new topics!
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