Board Games Books
Fight boredom with board games — chess, checkers, and more. We've got tips to help you engage your brain, entertain friends, and play to win.
Board Games Books
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Chess For Dummies
Want to play chess like a champ? Dummies can help. From Netflix's “The Queen’s Gambit” to podcasts, virtual and mobile gaming, and beyond, chess is back in a big way. But, with all those kings, queens, and knights, chess can be a royal pain to grasp. Chess For Dummies is here to help beginners wrap their minds around the rules of the game, make sense of those puzzling pieces, and sharpen their chess strategy such that even Paul Morphy would be impressed. You’ll learn the laws of chess, its lingo, and engage in the art of the attack with the easy-to-follow, step-by-step explanations found in the latest edition of Chess For Dummies. Whether you’re playing chess online, in a tournament, or across the dining room table with a family member or friend, this hands-on guide is sure to capture your interest (and your opponent's queen), getting you up to speed on the game and its components and giving you the know-how you need to put the principles of play into action from the opening to the endgame. Grasp the rules of play and the nuances of each phase of the game Familiarize yourself with the pieces and the board Pick the perfect chess set and chessboard for you Get to know each of the pieces and their powers If you feel like you’re in a stalemate before you even begin a game, Chess For Dummies is your guide to forcing moves, raking bishops, and skewering your opponents like a true champion.
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Chess Openings For Dummies
Improve your chess game the fast and easy way You never get a second chance to make a first impression?especially in the game of chess! Chess Openings For Dummies gives you tips and techniques for analyzing openings and strategies for winning chess games from the very first move you make! This friendly, helpful guide provides you with easy-to-follow and step-by-step instructions on the top opening chess strategies and gives you the tools you need to develop your own line of attack from the very start. Includes illustrations to help ensure victory Equips you with the tools and strategies to plan a winning strategy Also serves as a valuable resource for curriculums that use chess as a learning tool Whether you?re a veteran or novice chess player, Chess Openings For Dummies is the ultimate guide to getting a grip on the openings and variants that will ensure you have all the right moves to open and win any chess game. P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you�re probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Chess Openings For Dummies (9780470603642). The book you see here shouldn�t be considered a new or updated product. But if you�re in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We�re always writing about new topics!
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Dungeon Master For Dummies
Design your own fantasy D&D epic filled with adventurous exploits, cloaked characters, and mysterious monsters If you're a Dungeons & Dragons fan, you've surely thought of becoming a Dungeon Master. Learning to be a DM isn't as hard as you might think, especially if you have Dungeon Master For Dummies tucked into your bag of tricks! Whether you've assumed the role of Dungeon Master before or not, this illustrated reference can help you run a D&D game, either online or in person. From organizing your first D&D game to dealing with difficult players, this book covers everything a DM needs to know. Written for the newest edition of D&D by the experts at Wizards of the Coast, the game's creators, it shows you how to: Run your very first campaign, from shaping storylines and writing your own adventures to dealing with unruly players and characters Build challenging encounters, make reasonable rulings, and manage disagreements Recognize all the common codes, tables, and spells Understand the parts of a D&D adventure and how to create dungeon maps and craft monsters Shape storylines and write your own adventures Find your style as a DM and develop a game style that plays to your strengths Script an encounter, vary the terrain and challenges, and establish rewards (experience points and treasure) Decide whether to use published adventures Use and follow the official Dungeon Master's Guide Develop a campaign with exciting themes, memorable villains, and plots to entrance players If you're getting the urge to lead the charge in a D&D game of your own, Dungeon Master For Dummies provides the information you need to start your own game, craft exciting stories, and set up epic adventures. Grab your copy today, and you'll be on your way!
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Backgammon For Dummies
A comprehensive and fun guide to Backgammon! Backgammon is one of the oldest games in the world, the origins of which date back some 5000 years – and it's still going strong. It enjoyed a huge resurgence in the 1970s, and then again in the 1990s with the popularity of the Internet, where millions of people play tournaments online every day. Today, backgammon's following in the UK is huge, with a dedicated British Isles Backgammon Association, and hundreds of face-to-face tournaments taking place across the UK every year. In this book, backgammon expert Chris Bray walks you through the basics of setting up a board, opening strategies, middle and end-game tactics, and tips on when to make key moves. You'll also get to grips with basic probabilities, the doubling cube and the 25% rule. And if you want to take your gaming further, there's plenty of advice to get you started in tournament backgammon, as well as playing online. Suitable for both beginners and experienced player looking for more tips and techniques, Backgammon For Dummies includes coverage on: Starting and Playing the Game Handling the Middle Game Bearing Off (The Last Lap) Varying the Play About the author
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