The saints, the rites, the holy days, and the beliefs most important to this branch of the church.
Catholicism Books

Catholicism For Dummies
Peer through the stained glass and get an inside look at Christianity's most popular religion Catholicism can seem a bit mysterious to non-Catholics—and even Catholics. Embrace your curiosity and turn to Dummies for answers! Full of fascinating facts and written in a friendly style, Catholicism For Dummies explains the basics of Catholic beliefs like the importance of Sunday Mass; the seven sacraments; the purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary; heaven, hell, and purgatory; the Trinity; and so much more. You'll learn about the Catholic perspective on women as priests, saints as examples of how to live, and prayer as the basis of a relationship with God. This easy-to-read resource offers an overview of a rich and diverse faith. You'll also discover: The ins and outs of living as a Catholic and why followers of the faith observe traditions like attending Mass on certain days of the year, praying the rosary, and not eating meat on Fridays Information on what the pope does, how he is selected, the history of the Vatican, and what it's like to be a priest in today's society Details about the church's position on modern social issues, like poverty, abortion and the death penalty, same-sex marriage, and contraception Whether you're a cradle Catholic or just curious about the world's second largest religion, Catholicism For Dummies has the answers you're seeking to a faith that's been around for thousands of years. Order your copy today.
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Catholicism All-in-One For Dummies
Let there be light — illuminating info about today’s Catholic church Catholicism All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition offers a path toward understanding the beliefs of the Catholic church and how the church operates. Fully updated with information on newly canonized saints, updated teachings from Pope Francis, and how Catholic beliefs intersect with the modern world, this edition gets you up to date with the last 2,000-or-so years of Catholic history. With five minibooks in one, this friendly Dummies guide will answer your pressing questions, such as: What do Catholics believe? What happens in Mass? Who are the saints? What is the role of the Pope? — and other cool stuff you’ve been wanting to know about this Christian denomination with over 1 billion members worldwide. With Catholicism All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition, you will: Discover the core tenets of the Catholic religion Learn all about the papacy and get to know Pope Francis Get a primer on the Catholic saints, including those newly canonized Walk through the traditions of Mass and the seven sacraments This is an excellent resource for anyone who needs a clear guide to the practices and rules of the Catholic faith and wants a fascinating look into a prominent world religion.
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Catholic Mass For Dummies
An unintimidating guide to understanding the Catholic Mass Throughout the centuries, the liturgy of the Church has taken a variety of regional and historical forms, but one thing has remained constant: the Mass has always been the central form of Catholic worship. Catholic Mass For Dummies gives you a step-by-step overview of the Catholic Mass, as well as a close look at the history and meaning of the Mass as a central form of Catholic worship. You'll find information on the order of a Mass and coverage of major Masses. Covers standard Sunday Mass, weddings, funerals, holiday services, and holy days of obligation Provides insight on the events, symbols, themes, history, and language of the Mass Translations of a Mass in Castilian and Latin American Spanish If you're a Catholic looking to enhance your knowledge of your faith, an adult studying to convert to Catholicism, a CCD instructor, or a non-Catholic who wants to understand the many nuances of the Catholic Mass, this hands-on, friendly guide has you covered.
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