Basic coding terminology, planning your coding career, programming for web, freelancing tips, example coding projects, and more.
Coding Books

Coding All-in-One For Dummies
The go-to guide for learning coding from the ground-up Adding some coding know-how to your skills can help launch a new career or bolster an old one. Coding All-in-One For Dummies offers an ideal starting place for learning the languages that make technology go. This edition gets you started with a helpful explanation of how coding works and how it’s applied in the real-world before setting you on a path toward writing code for web building, mobile application development, and data analysis. Add coding to your skillset for your existing career, or begin the exciting transition into life as a professional developer—Dummies makes it easy. Learn coding basics and how to apply them Analyze data and automate routine tasks on the job Get the foundation you need to launch a career as a coder Add HTML, JavaScript, and Python know-how to your resume This book serves up insight on the basics of coding, designed to be easy to follow, even if you’ve never written a line of code in your life. You can do this.
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Getting Started with Coding
An introduction to coding for kids Coding know-how is the coolest new tool kids can add to their creativity toolboxes—and all they need to get started is a computer connected to the internet and the lessons in this book. Easy! The book offers fun step-by-step projects to create games, animations, and other digital toys while teaching a bit about coding along the way. Plus, each project has an end goal to instill confidence and a sense of accomplishment in young coders once the project comes to life. Create simple applications in Scratch to learn how to build things with coding Experiment with “real” coding with tools built in JavaScript Use free online tools Share what you build with friends, family, and teachers Get creative and get coding!
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Coding For Kids For Dummies
A guide for kids who want to learn coding Coding is quickly becoming an essential academic skill, right up there with reading, writing, and arithmetic. This book is an ideal way for young learners ages 8-13 who want more coding knowledge than you can learn in an hour, a day, or a week. Written by a classroom instructor with over a decade of experience teaching technology skills to kids as young as five, this book teaches the steps and logic needed to write code, solve problems, and create fun games and animations using projects based in Scratch and JavaScript. This 2nd Edition is fully updated to no longer require any limited-time software downloads to complete the projects. Learn the unique logic behind writing computer code Use simple coding tools ideal for teaching kids and beginners Build games and animations you can show off to friends Add motion and interactivity to your projects Whether you’re a kid ready to make fun things using technology or a parent, teacher, or mentor looking to introduce coding in an eager child’s life, this fun book makes getting started with coding fun and easy!
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Helping Kids with Coding For Dummies
Help for grown-ups new to coding Getting a jump on learning how coding makes technology work is essential to prepare kids for the future. Unfortunately, many parents, teachers, and mentors didn't learn the unique logic and language of coding in school. Helping Kids with Coding For Dummies comes to the rescue. It breaks beginning coding into easy-to-understand language so you can help a child with coding homework, supplement an existing coding curriculum, or have fun learning with your favorite kid. The demand to have younger students learn coding has increased in recent years as the demand for trained coders has far exceeded the supply of coders. Luckily, this fun and accessible book makes it a snap to learn the skills necessary to help youngsters develop into proud, capable coders! Help with coding homework or enhance a coding curriculum Get familiar with coding logic and how to de-bug programs Complete small projects as you learn coding language Apply math skills to coding If you’re a parent, teacher, or mentor eager to help 8 to 14 year olds learn to speak a coding language like a mini pro, this book makes it possible!
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Coding For Dummies
Coding For Dummies, (9781119293323) was previously published as Coding For Dummies, (9781118951309). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. Hands-on exercises help you learn to code like a pro No coding experience is required for Coding For Dummies, your one-stop guide to building a foundation of knowledge in writing computer code for web, application, and software development. It doesn't matter if you've dabbled in coding or never written a line of code, this book guides you through the basics. Using foundational web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it explains in plain English how coding works and why it's needed. Online exercises developed by Codecademy, a leading online code training site, help hone coding skills and demonstrate results as you practice. The site provides an environment where you can try out tutorials built into the text and see the actual output from your coding. You'll also gain access to end-of-chapter challenges to apply newly acquired skills to a less-defined assignment. So what are you waiting for? The current demand for workers with coding and computer science skills far exceeds the supply Teaches the foundations of web development languages in an easy-to-understand format Offers unprecedented opportunities to practice basic coding languages Readers can access online hands-on exercises and end-of-chapter assessments that develop and test their new-found skills If you're a student looking for an introduction to the basic concepts of coding or a professional looking to add new skills, Coding For Dummies has you covered.
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