Common Ailments Books
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Common Ailments Books
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Common Ailments
Allergy For Dummies
All the info you need to understand your allergies and manage symptoms Allergy For Dummies is your one-stop source for comprehensive information on the different types of allergies and their triggers, along with tips on allergy management and prevention. Accessible, Dummies-style explanations will help you deal with hay fever, asthma, eczema, drug allergies, food sensitivities, and beyond—for yourself or anyone under your care. Get answers to your allergy-related questions, understand your triggers, and learn what you can do about allergies of all types. Ensure that you're in control and receive the help you need, with this friendly guide. Identify what's ailing you by getting tested for allergies and asthma Learn to treat food allergies, allergic skin conditions, drug reactions, and insect stings Know how to prevent anaphylaxis, and what to do if it occurs Understand your treatment options and find resources for additional information Allergy For Dummies is for the millions of people around the world who suffer from some kind of allergic sensitivity and need a thorough and approachable guide on the topic.
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Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies, Portable Edition
A strong immune system protects you the from colds, flus and other infections we’re regularly exposed to in the world, so why not give it a healthy boost? Learn what makes our immune systems thrive, and how to use common sense strategies — such as superfoods, detoxification, better sleep, and stress reduction — to minimize illness and maximize your well-being.
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Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies
Boost your body's defenses to fight-off disease and live stronger and longer Every single day our bodies are under attack from nasty little organisms which range from the pesky to the frighteningly serious. So, what’s the best way to fight back? Thankfully nature has provided us with a powerful interior armor-plating—and Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies shows you how to keep that crucial biological gift in tip-top condition. Brought to you by bestselling author Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND, a board-certified naturopathic physician, and Wendy Warner, a board certified holistic physician,—Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies sets out the sound ways we can supercharge our immune systems to prevent illnesses and diseases such as arthritis, autoimmune conditions, pneumonia, cancer, and the flu. Using a simple program of diet, exercise, stress-reduction, and nutritional supplements, we can keep our internal defenses humming happily along—and get generally healthier in the process! The best nutritional strategies to avoid cold and flu 40+ recipes that show healthy eating can also be delish Cutting-edge research on immune-boosting health and diet Lists and tips for keeping a low-cost, healthy pantry Through diet, exercise, stress reduction, nutritional supplements, and the role of water, sunlight, and oxygen, you can harness the power of your immune system and drastically improve your immunity to disease. P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you're probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies (9781118402009 find this on the copyright page). The book you see here shouldn't be considered a new or updated product. But if you’re in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We're always writing about new topics!
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Boosting Your Metabolism For Dummies
The easy way to boost your metabolism and lose weight... for good! People often wonder why their dieting and exercise efforts seem to result in little or no weight loss. Some people may have to work hard to simply maintain their current weight. With such a dilemma, they may blame their woes on a "slow metabolism". Unfortunately, there is no miracle diet that works for everyone because everyone has a unique body type and traits which impact their metabolic rate. Boosting Your Metabolism For Dummies helps you identify why your efforts have failed in the past and determine how to shift your unique metabolism into high gear by eating specific foods and performing particular exercises. Transform your mind and body for good with what Boosting Your Metabolism For Dummies offers: An explanation of common misconceptions about metabolism How to calculate and influence one's metabolic rate How to get in the right mindset and embark on the path to lifestyle change How to navigate the grocery store for metabolism boosting foods and 40+ quick and easy recipes Meal planning tips and smart strategies for eating out Metabolism boosting workouts Tips to get family onto the healthy metabolism wagon If you're looking for a fun and easy-to-understand guide that shows you how to put your metabolism to work, increase overall health, and get the body you've always wanted, Boosting Your Metabolism For Dummies has you covered.
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Heartburn and Reflux For Dummies
If you or someone you love suffers from heartburn, you know that it can be very disruptive to your daily life. Most heartburn sufferers say it stops them from enjoying food. Others say it keeps them from getting a good night’s sleep, it makes it hard to concentrate at work, and it interferes with family activities. Sound familiar? Don’t worry. Heartburn is a pain, but it can be helped. Heartburn & Reflux For Dummies is the plain-English guide to relief for you if you’ve been recently diagnosed with heartburn or reflux, if you suspect you may suffer from it, or if you’re concerned about your loved ones. This comprehensive book shows you how to recognize symptoms, get an accurate diagnosis, and work with a physician to receive the most effective treatment available. You’ll see how to: Get your symptoms under control Find the right physician Reduce stress and fine-tune your diet Avoid medicines that trigger upset Decide if surgery is right for you This friendly guide explains what the various forms of reflux are, as all too often reflux is either self-treated or mistreated and followed by serious complications. There’s detailed information on building a comfortable lifestyle by reducing stress, improving your diet, controlling portions, and timing your meals to minimize heartburn and reflux. Plus, this sensitive guide even covers heartburn in infants, children, and the elderly. You’ll also discover: How to heal the esophagus of inflammation or injury, as well as manage or prevent complications The latest information on prescription medications and side effects Healthy habits to adopt to reduce your pain triggers Helpful home remedies and alternative medicine The special risks and remedies for heartburn during pregnancy The side effects and complications associated with surgery Complete with a catalog of heartburn medicines and a list of reliable Web sites for people with digestive disorders, Heartburn & Reflux For Dummies is your one-stop guide to stopping the hurt, starting to heal, and enjoying food again!
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Migraines For Dummies
If you get migraines you know how laughable it is to hear them described as “headaches.” As one poet put it, “the migraine is a beast from Hell, a bone-crushing, brain-twisting, heart-rending, apocalyptic scourge—an insult to all that’s holy.” And that’s putting it mildly. People have been trying to tame the migraine beast for thousands of years. Some early healers bored holes into their patients’ skulls, the Greeks inhaled the smoke of burning coffee beans, while in ancient Egypt, doctors tied herb-stuffed clay crocodiles to migraine sufferer’s heads. Fortunately, we live in more enlightened times and there are now medically sound approaches that are relatively simple and inexpensive—and they don’t leave scars or involve extreme fashion statements. Your complete guide to taking charge of your migraines and getting your life back, Migraines For Dummies offers a focused, fleshed-out program that works in the real world. This friendly guide fills you in on what you need to know to: Understand migraines and why you get them Relieve symptoms Pinpoint pain triggers Sort through the various medications Evaluate alternative remedies Make simple migraine-busting lifestyle changes Stop migraines from disrupting your family and work lives Find a good doctor to help you manage the beast The authors look at the whole spectrum of the problem—from dealing with the number-one issue of pain relief, to handling the peripheral problems like absences from work skepticism from friends, and impact on family. They also explore a range of critical related issues, including: Different types of migraines, including abdominal, ocular, hemiplegic, opthamoplegic, and women’s hormonal migraines Triggers, such as environmental allergens, stress, dietary triggers, and even exercises that can cause migraines Over-the-counter medications, vitamins and herbal supplements Biofeedback, meditation, massage, acupuncture, and other alternative remedies The pros and cons of prescription remedies, including ergotamine derivatives, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, botox and more You’ve tried Aunt Edna’s camphor-soaked head cloths. Now explore a sensible, medically sound approach, and get on the road to full-fledged pain relief with Migraines For Dummies.
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Back Pain Remedies For Dummies
Get back in control of your back painBack pain is such a common condition that many doctors andresearchers consider the complaint a normal part of life, similarto having an occasional cold or flu. If you are a back painsufferer, you are not alone: * Back pain affects more than 80 percent of the population atsome time during their lifetime. * Back pain is second only to the common cold as a reason forvisits to the doctor and it is second only to childbirth as areason for hospitalization. * Approximately 50 percent of the working population reports backproblems every year. * The total medical cost of back pain exceeds 20 billion dollarsa year in the United States. Back Pain Remedies For Dummies takes a holistic approachto back pain prevention and treatment. Exploring the therapeuticoptions - from conventional medicine to popularalternative treatments - this patient-friendlyguide gives you a heads-up on how to relieve pain now and avoidfuture injuries, plus * Boning up on your spinal column's pieces and parts * Uncovering some conditions that cause back pain * Examining the lineup of doctors who treat what ails yourback * Taking your pain lying down - or not * Giving weight to alternative therapies, including yoga,acupuncture, and imagery exercises * Promoting the importance of good posture * Returning to work and play with a healthy outlook * Saying yes to sex after a back injury As you try to manage your back pain problem and investigatevarious treatment approaches, you can help yourself by beingassured and hopeful that you can remedy your problem. This reliablereference gives you plenty to reason to believe that back pain doesget better, and successful treatment is possible. You can expect tofind the best treatment for your back problem when you have someunderstanding of who treats back pain, how he or she treats it, andwhy using a multidisciplinary approach isimportant - all of that awaits in Back PainRemedies For Dummies.
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