Understand hedge funds, market index funds, and more.
Funds Books

Mutual Fund Investing For Canadians For Dummies
Simple information on diversifying your investments with mutual funds With mutual funds, beginning and experienced investors can afford to invest in a wide range of securities by pooling their money with others’ and splitting the profits. Mutual Fund Investing For Canadians For Dummies helps you makes sense of these funds, start investing, and create a plan to meet your financial goals. With this easy-to-understand guide, you can weigh the pros and cons of mutual funds to decide if they’re right for you. Then follow step-by-step instructions for investing your money in reputable funds—with information specific to the Canadian market. Learn what mutual funds are and how they’re different from hand-picking your own stocks and bonds Understand the risks and benefits of mutual funds so you can determine whether they fit with your financial goals Make a solid investment plan and craft your fund portfolio Consider hedge funds and other managed options for rounding out your investment portfolioMutual Fund Investing For Canadians For Dummies is great for beginner investors looking to learn more about the benefits of mutual funds and get up to speed on the latest information.
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Mutual Funds For Dummies
Build substantial wealth with mutual funds (and ETFs)! Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are great for professional management, diversification and liquidity into your portfolio, but what are the costs and risks? And how have the best investment strategies changed with the rise of robo-investing, ETFs, and new tax rules? Mutual Funds For Dummies answers all your questions, giving you insight on how to find the best-managed funds that match your financial goals. With straightforward advice and plenty of specific fund recommendations, Eric Tyson helps you avoid fund-investing pitfalls and maximize your returns. This new edition covers the latest investment trends and philosophies, including factor investing, ESG investing, and online investing. You’ll also find completely updated coverage on the best mutual funds and ETFs in each category. Earn more with funds! Learn how mutual funds and ETFs work and determine how much of your portfolio to devote Weigh the pros and cons of funds, and use funds to help you pick your own stocks Make the most of online investing and other new technologies and trends Maximize your gains by choosing the funds and strategies that work for you Mutual Funds For Dummies is a trusted resource, and this update has arrived to help you plan and implement a successful investment strategy. The fund market is rebounding—get on the train and take advantage of the opportunity today!
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Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies
Become an ETF expert with this up-to-date investment guide Want to expand your portfolio beyond stocks and mutual funds? (Of course you do, you smart investor you.) Then take a look at exchange-traded funds (ETFs)! A cross between an index fund and a stock, they're transparent, easy to trade, and tax-efficient. They're also enticing because they consist of a bundle of assets (such as an index, sector, or commodity), so diversifying your portfolio is easy. You might have even seen them offered in your 401(k) or 529 college plan. Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies is your primer on ETFs. It gives you an insider (the legal kind!) perspective on the investment process, starting with an overview of ETFs and how they differ from stocks and mutual funds. The book also helps you measure risk and add on to your portfolio, and offers advice on how to avoid the mistakes even professionals sometimes make. Throughout, you'll also find plenty of tips, tricks, and even sample portfolios to set you up on the right path for investment success. With Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies, you will: Find out exactly what exchange-traded funds are and why they make good investments Mix and match stock portfolios to diversify yours Go beyond stocks for maximum diversification: bonds, real estate, and commodity ETFs Maintain your portfolio for future growth With the tricks of the trade in Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies, you can easily apply the knowledge you gain to turn good investments into great ones. Happy earning!
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ETFs For Canadians For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Break into the exciting Canadian market for exchange-traded funds Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are an increasingly popular part of the investing landscape, being less volatile than individual stocks, cheaper than most mutual funds, and subject to minimal taxation. ETFs For Canadians For Dummies, 2nd Edition will guide you through the process of investing in ETFs in Canada, a smaller and sometimes riskier market. You’ll get the most up-to-date information on the ETF investing landscape, and we’ll help you figure out how to navigate the fast-changing marketplace. This book makes it all easy to understand, and offers updated info on the available ETFs, investment and tax laws, and market projections. With this book: Invest your money wisely in the Canadian ETF market Maximize your profits when you trade on the stock market Discover how investing in Canada is different from investing elsewhere Learn how to invest online with the latest apps and other tools This is the book for Canadian investors who want to diversify their investment portfolio and break into exchange traded funds. With the help of Dummies, anyone can learn to invest in ETFs.
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Index Investing For Dummies
A recommended, proven way to broaden portfolios and profits Recommended by finance experts and used extensively by institutional investors, index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) provide unmanaged, diversified exposure to a variety of asset classes. Index Investing For Dummies shows active investors how to add index investments to their portfolios and make the most of their money, while protecting their assets. It features plain-English information on the different types of index funds and their advantage over other funds, getting started in index investing, using index funds for asset allocation, understanding returns and risk, diversifying among fund holdings, and applying winning strategies for maximum profit.
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Hedge Funds For Dummies
Hedge your stock market bets with funds that can deliver returns in down markets Hedge Funds For Dummies is your introduction to the popular investing strategy that can help you gain positive returns, no matter what direction the market takes. Hedge funds use pooled funds to focus on high-risk, high-return investments, often with a focus on shorting—so you can earn profit even when stocks fall. But there’s a whole lot more to it than that. This book teaches you about the diversity of hedge funds, their pros and cons, and their potentially lucrative role as a part of your portfolio. We also give you tips on finding a broker that is right for you and the investment you wish to make. Let Dummies be your investment advisor as you set up a strategy that will deliver results. Understand the ins and outs of hedge funds and how they fit in your portfolio Choose the funds that make the most sense for your unique situation Build a hedge fund strategy based on tested techniques and the latest market data Avoid common mistakes and identify solid funds to ensure successThis Dummies guide is for traders and investors looking to learn more about hedge funds and how they can become lucrative investments in a down market.
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