General Investing

How much should you save for retirement? Which investment strategies are smartest in your 20s and 30s? What is an inverse ETF? How does fiat money work? We've got these answers and many, many more.

General Investing Books

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22 results
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AI Investing For Dummies

Winning strategies for investors looking to boost gains with artificial intelligence AI is one of the hottest investment trends on Wall Street. AI Investing For Dummies gives you all the must-know details on how artificial intelligence can benefit investors. You’ll learn how powerful AI can be in helping you make better decisions, identify hidden opportunities, and build wealth in stocks, bonds, commodities, and real estate. This easy-to-understand Dummies guide also covers budgeting, taxes, estates, and planning for college and retirement—all with AI-specific tactics that can improve efficiency, mitigate risk, and level up your portfolio’s performance. You’ll also find all the info you need to sift through and implement the right resources and solutions for you. Understand the benefits and drawbacks of AI investing Debunk the biggest myths about AI investing Get an in-depth analysis of the top AI stocks to watch Learn how to avoid common pitfalls in AI investing Take a peek at the role of AI in shaping the future of finance This is the ideal Dummies resource for consumers and investors who are new to AI and want to wrap their heads around this emerging technology.

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DeFi For Dummies

Get to know the building blocks of a new economy The promise of decentralized finance (DeFi for those up on their financial lingo) as a disruptor to financial institutions makes it must-know for anyone involved in finance. DeFi For Dummies provides an easy-to-understand option for unraveling the past, present, and future of DeFi. Understand current DeFi applications, including how to build basic applications on the leading platforms, and get a look into the future’s most promising new DeFi solutions. Staying ahead of the game is critical for finance professionals these days, and this Dummies guide makes it possible, with full coverage of how DeFi affects asset management, lending and borrowing, and investment markets. Wrap your mind around DeFi and start getting hands on, the Dummies way. Learn how the DeFi revolution started and where it’s going Get insight into opportunities for getting started and building value with DeFi Discover the leading assets, exchanges, and marketplaces built on DeFi principles Create secure DeFi applications on established platformsThis book is great for current pros or active investors in the world of finance who need to get up to speed on the world of DeFi as quickly and clearly as possible.

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Factor Investing For Dummies

Systematically secure your financial future—Dummies makes it easy Factor Investing For Dummies helps you go beyond the investment basics, with proven techniques for making informed and sophisticated investment decisions. Using factor investing, you’ll select stocks based on some predetermined, well, factors. Momentum, value, interest rates, economic growth, credit risk, liquidity—all these things can help you identify killer stocks and improve your returns. This book explains it all, and helps you implement a strategic factor investing plan, so you can boost your portfolio’s performance, reduce volatility, and enhance diversification. You’ll also learn what not to do, with coverage of the factors that have failed to deliver consistent returns over time. We explore factor-based ETFS and loads of other ideas for injecting some factors into your investment game. Learn what factor investing is and how you can use it to level up your portfolio Understand the various types of factors and how to use them to select winning stocks Choose from a bunch of factor investing strategies, or build one of your own Generate wealth in a more sophisticated, more effective wayThis is the perfect Dummies guide for beginner to seasoned investors who want to explore more consistent outperformance potential. Factor Investing For Dummies can also help portfolio managers, consultants, academics, and students who want to understand more about the science of factor investing.

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Share Investing For Dummies, 4th Australian Edition

Get sharemarket savvy and put together the perfect investment portfolio Do you want to invest in shares, but you don't know where to start? Share Investing For Dummies shows you how to put together the perfect share portfolio: you’ll learn, step-by-step, what to do and exactly how to do it. Uncover the timeless rules as well as the latest advice on what’s hot and what’s not — and exactly how you can get started on generating easy returns on your hard-earned dollars. With updated examples, charts and resources, this new edition shows you exactly how to spot winning shares and build a balanced portfolio where you can watch your money grow. You’ll discover how you can use the ASX trading platform and the latest apps and online tools. Plus, you’ll get tips on keeping your tax bill manageable with the low-down on the latest tax policies. Know your bear market from your bull, and cut through the jargon with clear explanations Understand how to analyse share prices and track trends Discover how to get started on building a diversified portfolio Develop your own successful investment strategy and trade online Learn the must-know information about brokers and what they can do for you Go global safely, with advice on how to invest internationally and protect investments overseas This is the guide for anyone wanting a comprehensive, easy guide to investing in Australian shares. Stop wondering what you’re missing out on, and get started today with this no-nonsense approach to share investing, written by celebrated Australian personal finance author and consultant James Dunn.

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Trading Psychology For Dummies

Keep your head in the game! Make smarter, confident trades in global markets Trading is 80% psychology and 20% methodology. Trading Psychology For Dummies helps you develop the mindset you need to respond correctly in any market condition. Make more money on your trades as you develop mental strength, act confidently, and avoid the typical mistakes traders make when they don’t understand their own minds. This book is for traders with any portfolio size and any risk tolerance. With the clear and easy approach that has made Dummies investing books so wildly popular, you can take your trading skills to the next level. When you stop underestimating how much your psychology governs your returns, you’ll discover ways to tweak your own thought process for better trading results. Learn how human psychology influences decision making in financial markets and other areas of life Discover advice and techniques that you can try right away to make more rational trades Examine how institutional investors account for market psychology when they predict price movements Earn better returns with the perspective of veteran traders who apply psychology-based techniques dailyTrading Psychology For Dummies gives an edge to novice and experienced traders alike. Gain confidence and maintain a flexible and open mind when trading.

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Investing All-in-One For Dummies

Make the most of your investment portfolio with a mix of assets from stocks to real estate to cryptocurrency There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the balance of a financial account grow month over month. But before that can happen, you need to know the best places to invest your money. Who can you trust for solid, reliable investing advice? Investing All-in-One For Dummies offers sound guidance for investors at every level. Whether you’re stumped by stocks, baffled by bonds, mystified about mutual funds, or curious about cryptocurrency, this book gives you a solid foundation in those investing concepts and many others. After reading the expert advice and considering your risk tolerance and timeline, you can confidently choose the best investments for your financial goals. Containing advice from 10 different Dummies investing guides, Investing All-in-One For Dummies shows you how to: Set short- and long-term investing goals, invest to minimize your tax hit, and develop an investing strategy using a mix of investment vehicles Decide when to buy, hold, or sell an investment Choose the right mix of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to create a diversified portfolio Identify real estate investment opportunities and find the capital to make purchases Execute trades through an online broker instead of using a traditional investment firm Evaluate modern investing trends like cryptocurrency and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investingFor anyone who wants to dip their toes into the markets or who tends to leave their investment decisions in the hands of someone else, Investing All-in-One For Dummies is the must-read resource when you’re ready to make informed decisions and pick solid investments for your financial future.

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Investing in Shares For Dummies, 3rd UK Edition

Get your slice of the economic pie and then some, in the UK and beyond Investing in shares can help build anyone's financial standing—move over, economic elite! People from all walks of life can easily grow their wealth and secure money for the future. Investing in Shares For Dummies, 3rd UK Edition takes a friendly, non-jargony approach for new and not-quite-advanced-yet shareholders. This book walks you through the investment orchard so you can cherry-pick shares that will turn you a tidy profit (mmm, tasty.) You'll also learn to stay calm and ride the unavoidable waves of the markets. Over the long term, you stand to earn greater returns (translation: more money) than if you invested in real estate or bonds alone. And who isn't keen on the idea of more money? This latest edition is up-to-date with the top investing apps, investing with ETFs, thematic investing, trading shares in the US and other nations, and everything else you might be curious about as you start building a rock-solid portfolio. With this guide, you will: Get to know the stock markets to decide if shares investing is right for you Plan your investing strategy and take risks that make sense for your financial situation Research shares before you buy: analyse industries, read stock charts and find company data Make investment decisions that maximise profits, lower costs and minimise your tax bill Investing in Shares For Dummies, 3rd UK Edition gives you the sound advice and proven tactics you need to play the markets and watch your profits grow.

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Investing in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies

Take advantage of the decades ahead and invest in your financial future today  You may be at the stage of your life where you’re still watching every penny, but you know the earlier you invest, the more time your money has to work for you. Investing in Your 20s and 30s For Dummies provides novice investors with time-tested advice, along with strategies that reflect today’s market conditions. You’ll get no-nonsense guidance on how to invest in stocks, bonds, funds, and even real estate—complete with definitions of all the must-know lingo. You’ll also learn about the latest investment trends, including using robo-advisors to manage your portfolio, relying on apps to make fast trades, and putting your hard-earned cash in digital currencies. Armed with the knowledge and strategies in this book, you can invest wisely, monitor your progress, and avoid risking too much. Today’s investing landscape is changing at record speed, and this book helps you keep up. Find information on the latest tax laws, financial lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and popular funds for the 2020s.    Learn the investment basics you need to get started  Discover new tools and technologies that make it easier than ever to participate in the market  Build a diverse portfolio that reflects your values, financial goals, and risk tolerance  Feel more confident as you fund an investment account, choose equities or funds, and plan for the future  Make an impact with your money by selecting socially responsible investments  Figure out how much money to invest in employer-sponsored accounts or other retirement plans  If you’re a little unsure about stepping into the world of investing, Investing in Your 20s and 30s For Dummies gives you the confidence you need to establish a smart investment strategy. Grab your copy today. 

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ESG Investing For Dummies

Your guide to investing for a more sustainable world  Investing in one’s own future has always been a good financial move. But what if you want to ensure that the companies you have a financial interest in are also helping to improve the present and future of all of us—and of the planet? More than ever before, sustainable investors want to be confident that a company’s Environmental (net zero emissions target), Social (response to the Covid-19 pandemic), and Governance (no repeats of Enron and WorldCom) policies and actions are positively impacting the global outlook—and to identify ways that their dollar can incentivize business leaders to do even better. The worldwide rise of an Environmental, Socially Responsible, and Governance (ESG) approach to investing shows you’re not alone, and the $30+ trillion—and growing—committed in this way says it’s already become a transformative global movement. ESG provides a framework for evaluating companies that, unlike unrelated investment strategies, informs and guides sustainable investment.  Even if you’re a novice investor, ESG For Dummies will allow you to hit this new investing landscape running, providing you with measurable ways to factor ESG into company performance, see how these are reflected in your investment return, and show how you can monitor companies to ensure your money is being put to ethical use. You’ll also become familiar with the big names to follow in the ESG world, how they’re already effecting positive change, and how you can help.  Identify the drivers for each category of ESG  Define and measure material ESG factors for investing success  Understand principles for building a diversified sustainable portfolio  Recognize material ESG factors effect on company performance  ESG investing introduces powerful tools to do real and lasting good: this book shows you how to use them to help make everyone’s future, including your own, much more secure.    

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Investing For Canadians All-in-One For Dummies

The all-encompassing guide to getting smart about the market While investing is one of the smartest ways to become financially worry-free, making the decisions that get you there can be intimidating and overwhelming. Today's investors have a huge array of options open to them and sorting the wheat from the chaff—and the get-rich-quick Ponzi schemes from the real deal—is an exhausting process. Investing For Canadians All-in-One For Dummies takes the fear out of the complexity by providing you with a clear and honest overview of Canada's unique investing landscape—and shows you how to make it work for you. Bringing together essential and jargon-free information from Investing For Canadians For Dummies, Stock Investing For Canadians For Dummies, Mutual Funds For Canadians For Dummies, Real Estate Investing For Canadians For Dummies, Day Trading For Canadians For Dummies, Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies, and Investing in Silver & Gold For Dummies together in one convenient place, this rich resource is an arsenal of techniques and advice for guaranteeing you a secure and prosperous future. Develop and manage a portfolio Find investments that suit your income Get the latest information on tax laws Follow time-tested strategies Invest in gold, silver, and other precious metals

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