General Personal Finance

Level up your savings plan, make money apprentices out of your kids, avoid the scammers lurking in the shadows, and generally become a money whiz.

General Personal Finance Books

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9 results
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F.I.R.E. For Dummies

Take control of creating your own financial independence and the option to retire early on your terms The Financial Independence, Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) movement has inspired many to optimize their finances and retire sooner than they ever imagined. This creates the time freedom and happiness you want years, or even decades, before the traditional age. F.I.R.E. For Dummies shows you how to make financial freedom and early retirement a reality. With the easy-to-follow steps in this guide, you can set yourself up to follow your big dreams without worry of money being an obstacle. Decrease debts, taxes and expenses while increasing earnings, savings and investing, is what gets you on the road toward building your wealth. You’ll learn how to maximize this process and speed up your time to financial independence and retiring early. Discover why the Financial Independence, Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) movement has grown so rapidly Get concrete instructions and advice for retiring earlier or putting yourself in the powerful position to leave your job on your terms Plan and organize your finances in a way that doesn’t make you feel reliant on a job to financially thrive Overcome the common obstacles for retiring early like losing social connections, filling your time, strict rules around accessing retirement accounts early or health insurance Learn from someone that has achieved F.I.R.E. and helps light the way for you on your own journeyThis is the perfect Dummies guide for anyone looking to move from the basics of their finances to reaching F.I.R.E. and enjoying the time freedom it creates. Regardless of where you currently are with your money or career, now is the right time to get started.

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500 Great Ways to Save For Dummies

Get smart and start saving—without sacrificing the things you love With high prices for everything from food to gas, how can you make ends meet—and still have enough for the things you love? 500 Great Ways to Save For Dummies is packed with creative ideas for cutting costs in small and big ways, in dozens of categories, ranging from groceries and healthcare to education, travel, and major purchases. This fun book helps you get into a saving mindset, know where your money goes, and whittle down debt. These quick tips are so easy you can start saving today! Reduce everyday costs of groceries, restaurant meals, gas, utilities, home maintenance, healthcare, and insurance Save money on fitness, pet care, entertainment, and all your hobbies Cut costs on big-ticket items including vacations, cars, and appliances Find free stuff, special discounts, and money-saving apps This is the only book you need to save money throughout the year!

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Managing Your Money All-in-One For Dummies

A hands-on, power-packed guide to managing all things money Time and money. Those are the two most important assets you have, and smart people manage both of them wisely. Managing Your Money All-in-One For Dummies is your one-stop resource to turn to when you’re ready to manage your money. It offers everything you need to confidently handle your finances. When you’re ready to create a budget, pay down debt, and scale back your expenses, you’ll find the support you need here. If you’re eyeing the future, you’ll find advice on improving your credit score, saving for college and retirement, and planning an estate. As if all of that isn’t enough, this comprehensive book covers other financial topics such as buying insurance, investing in your 401(k), and so much more. The authors of Managing Your Money All-in-One For Dummies explain how to handle your money in a way that encourages you to think and act positively, no matter what your financial situation looks like. And as you move toward financial freedom, you can come back to this book to get advice on topics that go beyond day-to-day money management, such as taking out a mortgage, investing online, and more. Get your financial life in order, whatever your stage of life Make a budget, manage your credit, and pay down your debt Demystify financial reports, online investing, and retirement plans Save for college and learn how to balance your saving and spending habits in any economy Navigate the new norm of online bankingSpend some time learning how to manage your money today. It’ll be a wise investment of both of your most valuable assets.

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Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies

The money lessons you wish you’d learned in school Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies helps Millennials and Zoomers like you make smart financial moves. It’s not as tough as it looks to reduce and file your taxes, pay off your student debt, buy a home, keep a budget to save and invest wisely, or start that side hustle, just to name a few. With a little bit of focus, you can start a clear path to financial freedom and avoid mistakes today. Your future self will thank you. This edition is full of updates for the 2020s; wrap your mind around your investment opportunities, the realities of making a second income, higher ed options for career advancement, and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re in need of financial guidance—and who isn’t?—this is the book you need. Pay off loans, manage your credit, begin the home-buying journey, and more Set realistic money goals so you can create a solid path for financial success Make smart decisions to beef up your bank account and investment portfolio Protect the money you have today and learn how to put your money to work for the future Get ready to turn up the volume on your financial know-how and stop worrying about money!

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Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies

The best way to take control of your post-career financial future  Retirement is lasting longer for all of us. That’s why—and however long you decide to keep working—it’s essential to plan ahead so you can live your post-career life as you wish. The latest edition of Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies details what you need to know—making it the perfect book to shelve next to your diet and fitness library, so you can keep your finances, as well as your health, in peak condition. Whether you’re new to financial planning or are pretty savvy but want to cut through the noise with targeted information and advice, you’ll find everything you need to know about how best to spend, invest, and protect your wealth so you can make your senior years worry-free, healthy, and fun.   In plain English, retirement and financial experts Eric Tyson and Bob Carlson cover all the issues from investing, Social Security, and the long-term insurance marketplace to taxes and estate planning—including state-by-state differences. They demystify the muddy world of financial planning and provide strategies that make the course ahead crystal clear. They also dive into less obvious territory, showing how it’s possible to strategize financially to avoid the worst impact of unexpected events—such as the COVID-19 crisis—as well as exploring what investment approaches you can take to protect the most important possession of all: your own and your family’s health.   Minimize your taxes and make wise investing decisions  Find out how the SECURE Act affects retirement accounts and savings  Navigate the latest Medicare, Social Security, and property tax rules  Dig into what’s new in estate planning and reverse mortgages  Get what you want from your career as you approach retirement  Whether doing it for yourself or for parents, it’s never too late to begin retirement planning—and this highly praised, straightforward book is the best way to take control, so you can be confident your senior years are exactly what you want them to be: golden.  

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Personal Finance For Canadians For Dummies

Gain financial literacy and get expert advice—tailor made for the provinces Personal Finance For Canadians For Dummies is a comprehensive guide and reference that helps you get smart about money, taking unique Canadian laws and opportunities into account. The clear, jargon-free explanations in this book will lead you to financial savvy. Understand how your earnings inform your budget, when to spend vs when to borrow, how to invest wisely, and how to protect your assets. You’ll also learn best practices for managing your money with an eye toward Canadian tax laws, retirement plans, education savings, and pension plans. With the sound advice you’ll find inside, you’ll soon see your loonies turn into toonies! Improve your financial literacy and establish realistic goals Reduce your spending, set a budget, save for the future, and manage debt Minimize your tax bill and work out the differences among retirement and savings plans Invest in stocks or real estate to protect and grow your assets in the long term This is the perfect Dummies guide for Canadians looking for advice on how to best manage their finances.

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Personal Finance For Dummies

Sound personal money management advice with insights for today’s world Personal Finance For Dummies has been tackling financial literacy for 30 years. This tenth edition continues to share the sound advice that’s helped millions of readers become financially literate while demystifying the money matters of the current era. Get familiar with the financial pillars of earning, saving, investing, borrowing, budgeting, and protecting your assets. Dig into modern concerns like navigating the housing market, weathering the highs and lows of an unpredictable market, evaluating new stuff like cryptocurrency, and budgeting to achieve your financial goals. Take the anxiety out of money matters by building a solid financial plan, learning to spend and invest wisely, and managing your debt. Follow the advice that's helped readers for three decades! Become financially literate so you can minimize debt and set realistic goals Learn the basics of investing and start making smart investment choices Demystify insurance so you can protect your health and your assets Control your spending and build better budgets so you can afford the big stuffPersonal Finance For Dummies offers sound advice for all ages and levels of personal money management. It’s never too early or too late to start making sense of your finances.

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Personal Finance in Your 50s All-in-One For Dummies

Manage your finances and enjoy your retirement Retirement security is one of the most pressing social issues facing the world in the next 30 years—so if you’re approaching your golden years, it’s essential to have a secure financial future. Personal Finance in Your 50s All-in-One For Dummies provides targeted financial advice and assists soon-to-be or established boomers with making informed decisions about how best to spend, invest, and protect their wealth while planning for the future. Retirement is an exciting time … but it can also be scary if you’re not sure that you have your ducks in a row. This hands-on resource arms you with an arsenal of beginner to intermediate personal finance and estate planning techniques for everything from spending, saving, navigating insurance, managing medical costs, household expenses, and even employment. Build a diversified portfolio Create emergency funds Avoid scams and frauds Improve your estate planning With the help of this all-in-one resource, you’ll get a succinct framework and expert advice to help you make solid decisions and confidently plan for your future.

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Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies

Hands-on tools and strategies to boost your financial fitness From analyzing assets to planning for retirement, this new edition of Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies gives you the information and resources you need to get your finances under control. Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies walks you through a private financial counseling session, using worksheets, checklists, and formulas for assessing financial health, providing for day-to-day financial management, making wise financial decisions, and investing for financial growth. Addresses the latest changes in tax and credit laws and regulations Strong focus on behavioral finance and how these issues impact decision-making with regard to personal money management Tips to plan for big-ticket purchases Expanded coverage on building and managing wealth Information on how effective asset allocation can help reduce volatility and/or increase opportunity Websites and ideas on how to get the most bang for your buck in everyday household expenditures From budgeting and cutting expenses to getting out of debt and planning for retirement, Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies is a solution for those looking to avoid bankruptcy as well as those looking for something to help them plan for a successful financial future.

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