General Psychology

What can you do in a mental health crisis? Who was Erik Erikson? What is altruism? What effect does the internet have on our minds? Explore the fascinating world of human psychology.

General Psychology Books

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Neurodiversity For Dummies

A quick and easy way to understand neurodiversity as written by neurodivergent people and our families Neurodiversity For Dummies is your essential guide in understanding neurodivergent conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. This quick and easy guide is perfect for anyone needing to know more about neurodiversity. And that’s all of us—because recent estimates say that 15-20% of the world’s population have some form of neurodivergence. Your life is filled with neurodivergent people that you know and love, whether you realize it yet or not. It’s time to learn to support and include the neurodivergent among us, and to understand how neurodiversity impacts society and the workplace. This is for the neurodivergent person wanting to thrive in life, for parents and caregivers seeking success for their child, and for teachers who are working to make a difference in their students’ lives. Filled with practical advice, Neurodiversity for Dummies also provides a helping hand to service providers, assistance for workplace managers and colleagues, and understanding for family members and friends. Imagine a world where we all understood ourselves better and appreciated more deeply the differences in others. No matter how your own brain thinks, Neurodiversity for Dummies is for you. Check out this jargon-free introduction for an essential overview. Explore the Spectrum of Neurodiversity: Understand in plain language the world of autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other neurodivergent conditions. Unlock Hidden Talents: Move yourself beyond common myths and misconceptions to discover how neurodiversity actually works. Learn how neurodiversity has always been with us, why society needs neurodivergent traits, and how neurodiversity can be a wellspring of innovation, creativity, and out-of-the-box thinking. Discover Yourself: Whether you are a neurodivergent person or not, learn how to understand your own normalcy, advocate for your needs, and build meaningful connections with those who think and experience the world differently than you. Change the World Around You: Be empowered through simple steps you can take to create inclusive environments for neurodivergent individuals in your school or workplace. Uncover proven strategies that cultivate a culture of acceptance and respect, where the unique perspectives of all individuals are valued and celebrated. We believe in providing parents with better supports, empowering individuals with information, and shaping a world where we are all seen and understood. With an author team composed of neurodivergent individuals and parents writing together, Neurodiversity for Dummies is an example of the power of neurodiversity when put into action. It’s why we wrote this for you. Don’t miss your chance to embark on this transformative journey. Order your copy of Neurodiversity for Dummies now to better understand yourself and others, and to join the movement that is revolutionizing how we understand and support the diversity of the human mind.

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Narcissism For Dummies

Recognize narcissists in your life and set healthy boundaries to start healing today Narcissism For Dummies pulls back the curtain on a growing and misunderstood personality. This book digs into dimensions of narcissism, grandiosity, malignancy, and vulnerability, giving you the knowledge and perspective you need to identify narcissists in your life and set limits on unacceptable behavior. It also takes a look at how society plays a part in fostering narcissism, for example through social media. You'll walk away from Narcissism For Dummies with a clearer sense of the personality trait, as well as necessary coping mechanisms and tools to deal with the narcissists in your life. Deal with narcissistic parents, bosses, coworkers, relatives, romantic partners, and beyond Discover tactics and exercises for identifying, disarming, and protecting yourself from narcissists Set limits, establish healthy boundaries, and rebuild your self-confidence Understand narcissistic personality in all its manifestations Anyone whose life has been touched by narcissism will find this book helpful, whether you're coming to terms with a loved one's diagnosis, dealing with a narcissist in the workplace, or working to move forward after leaving a narcissistic relationship.

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Psychology For Dummies

Find out what makes you—and everyone else—tick   Psychology For Dummies takes you on the challenging and thrilling adventure into the astonishing science of why we do the things we do. Along the way you’ll find out how psychology helps us improve our relationships, make better decisions, be more effective in our careers, and avoid stress and mental illness in difficult times.   In a friendly, jargon-free style, clinical psychologist and teacher Adam Cash uses practical examples to delve deep into the maze of the human mind: from the basic hardware, software, and "wetware" of our brains to the mysteries of consciousness and the murkier reaches of abnormal behavior. He also provides profound insights into our wants and needs, the differences between psychological approaches, and how positive psychology can help you lead the “good life” that fulfills you most.   Gain insights into identity and the self Cope with stress and illness Maintain psychological health Make informed choices when seeking counseling  Whether you’re new to the unconscious or an established devotee of Freud and pharmacology, Psychology For Dummies is your essential guide to the examined life—and what can make it even more worth living!  

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Cognitive Psychology For Dummies

Demystify the core concepts of cognitive psychology Written specifically for psychology students – and not other academics - Cognitive Psychology For Dummies is an accessible and entertaining introduction to the field. Unlike the dense and jargon-laden content found in most psychology textbooks, this practical guide provides readers with easy-to-understand explanations of the fundamental elements of cognitive psychology so that they are able obtain a firm grasp of the material. Cognitive Psychology For Dummies follows the structure of a typical university course, which makes it the perfect supplement for students in need of a clear and enjoyable overview of the topic. The complexities of a field that explores internal mental processes – including the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems – can be overwhelming for first-year psychology students. This practical resource cuts through the academic-speak to provide a clear understanding of the most important elements of cognitive psychology. Obtain a practical understanding of the core concepts of cognitive psychology Supplement required course reading with clear and easy-to-understand overviews Gain confidence in your ability to apply your knowledge of cognitive psychology Prepare for upcoming exams or topic discussions Cognitive Psychology For Dummies is the perfect resource for psychology students who need a clear and readable overview of the core concepts of cognitive psychology.

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Dream Dictionary For Dummies

Dreams! What do they mean? You probably recognize a connection between the dream world and the “real” world, but did you know that you can actually do things to nurture your dream life? Dream Dictionary For Dummies is the fun and fascinating guide that shows you not only how to decode your dreams, but how to remember them and even how to make a dream work for you. Whether you're already a prolific dreamer or are just peeking into the unknown, you're sure to get results from the insights, techniques, and tips provided in this unique and transforming guide. An A-to-Z list of dream symbols and their meanings helps you make sense of your dreams and harness them to increase your creativity, solve problems, find life purpose, and obtain accurate personal guidance. And, just by reading the dictionary definitions, you'll begin to understand symbology in a much deeper way. You’ll learn how to synchronize your body, emotions, mind, and soul to experience the full meaning of your dreams and, in some cases, make them your reality.Discover how to: Recognize your dream cycles Increase your ability to remember your dreams Keep and use a dream diary Notice your waking dreams Uncover hidden messages in your dreams Focus your dreams to solve problems or make decisions Form a dream support group So start dreaming and get back to reality with a little help from Dream Dictionary For Dummies.

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