It's time to rock it on the GMAT. Check out these tips and tricks for answering tough questions.
GMAT Books

GMAT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies
Fast, focused test prep to help you rock the new GMAT GMAT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is the fastest way to prep for test-day success on the notoriously difficult MBA grad school admissions exam. Calm your jitters with an overview of test content, know what to expect on the day of the exam, and take a short-form practice test with detailed explanations of the answers. You’ll get the full rundown on the brand new GMAT Focus test, too. This one-of-a-kind study guide is broken down into study blocks that you can tackle in 5 hours - all at once or over a few days. Then, the night before the test, review tips and reminders to make test day a breeze. Let this Dummies Quick Prep program put you on the fast track toward a calm and confident GMAT exam day. Know what to expect on the GMAT exam, including the content and test format Work through example questions for writing, quantitative, verbal, reading, and analytical skills Reinforce what you know with a short sample test that includes detailed answers Improve your chances of getting into the business school you want with a great score on the GMATGMAT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is perfect for future business and management students preparing to take the new GMAT Focus and looking for a fast, focused study guide.
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GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies (GMAT Focus Edition): Book + 3 Practice Tests + 100 Flashcards Online
Get on the road to business school with comprehensive review and 3 practice tests GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies is a must-have to scoring your highest on the GMAT and earning your MBA. Updated for the new GMAT Focus Edition, this trusted guide will walk you through the basics of what’s on the test and give you test-taking strategies that will help you make the most of the available time. You’ll get a comprehensive review of all the GMAT content—data insights, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning. Then it’s time to practice, with flashcards and 3 full-length practice tests. Detailed study plans help you prep wisely, no matter how much time you have before test day. Grab this Dummies guide to master the GMAT! Create a targeted study plan with a diagnostic pre-assessment Take full-length practice GMAT tests so you’ll be ready for the real thing Maximize your chances of getting into the business school of your choice GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies will help you land a higher score on this important exam.
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GMAT Prep 2023 For Dummies with Online Practice
Let nothing stand between you and your optimal GMAT score Show admissions committees you have what it takes to succeed in advanced business and management courses. GMAT Prep 2023 For Dummies gives you the strategies and skills you need to master the Graduate Management Admissions Test. This trusted study guide has the clear explanations and practice you need to maximize your scores on the verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing sections. You’ll find proven tips and strategies to help you prepare for the GMAT and achieve success on test day. Plus, you’ll get access to SEVEN full-length practice tests and plenty of flashcards online! Learn proven tips and tricks for maximizing your score on all sections of the GMAT Figure out where you need to study the most and create a targeted study plan Take seven full-length practice tests, so you’ll be an old pro by the time test day rolls around Get practice questions, flashcards, and review activities that make studying hands-on and help you rememberThis edition, specific to the 2023 GMAT test, covers updates to the verbal section of the exam. We’ve got even better, clearer explanations, plus coverage of all the changes in the Official Guide to GMAT. If you’re ready to kick butt on the GMAT, this is your book!
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GMAT For Dummies 2021
Gain confidence to crack the GMAT You have your heart set on getting into a particular MBA program, but you’re required to submit your GMAT score as part of the application process. Ack! If you dread the idea of taking a standardized test, you’ve come to the right place. GMAT For Dummies 2021 with Online Practice gets you ready for test day with helpful reviews and smart advice. To make the chore of studying a bit more bearable, the four parts of the test are broken down into sections so you can focus on exactly what you need. If you need a refresher on grammar and reading comprehension, it’s here. Is math your nemesis? Overcome the challenge with reviews of algebra, geometry, and statistics. And the exasperating but essential topics of essay writing and integrated reasoning are covered too. In addition, you get insights into how to avoid GMAT pitfalls and make the most of time-management tactics during the exam. Take a pre-assessment test to identify the subject areas you need to brush up on Access 7 practice tests and 500 flashcards online Hone your analytical and reasoning skills Create a targeted study plan If you want to conquer the GMAT and stand out from other MBA program applicants, you’ll find everything you need here for a stellar score!
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GMAT: 1,001 Practice Questions For Dummies
An indispensible practice tool for the GMAT The GMAT exam is the preferred graduate test of universities across the globe. It measures analytical writing and problem solving abilities and addresses data sufficiency, logic, and critical reasoning—all essential skills in business and management. Filled with 1,001 practice questions on all of the exam topics, 1,001 GMAT Practice Questions For Dummies gives you the hands-on experience you need to score high on exam day. 1,001 GMAT Practice Questions For Dummies gives you plenty of practice questions to help you build the fundamental math and verbal test-taking skills you need. And with access to all 1,001 practice questions in an online test bank, you can study whenever and however you like. 1,001 practice questions covering all sections of the test Online test bank offers customizable practice sets for self-directed study Includes test-taking tips and what to expect on exam day Every practice question has a detailed answer explanation and walk-through 1,001 GMAT Practice Questions For Dummies, with access to 1,001 questions online, is the perfect guide for speeding you toward a successful future.
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