The language of manga, karate, and Toyota, at your fingertips. Master the sounds and phrases you need in everyday settings.
Japanese Books

Japanese Character Writing For Dummies
Learn to write 100 Japanese characters If you want to join the ranks of more than 128 million speakers of Japanese worldwide, this book should be your first stop! Whether studying for school, business, or travel, learning to write the Japanese Kanji characters is essential to gain a working knowledge of this language. Japanese is considered to be the most complicated writing system in the world, with tens of thousands of characters. But with Japanese Character Writing For Dummies, you’ll find easy step-by-step instructions for writing the first 100 Japanese Kanji characters with ease. Includes online bonus content featuring videos, downloadable flashcards, and printable writing pages Offers easy-to-follow instruction for writing 100 Japanese characters Helps you take your understanding of the language to a new level Shows you how to use the written word to communicate with native speakers Learning to write Japanese Kanji characters is fun — and now it’s fast and easy too!
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Japanese For Dummies
Learn to speak Japanese Japanese language enrollment is up by 27.5 percent since 2006, making it the sixth most popular language studied on college campuses. Whether studying for school, business, or travel, Japanese For Dummies provides complete coverage of all Japanese language essentials including grammar, usage, and vocabulary. Complete with free conversational audio tracks online, this handy book offers everything you need to learn the Japanese language to get ahead in class or on a trip to Japan. In no time, you’ll make sense of the language well enough to communicate with native speakers! Includes expanded coverage of grammar, verb conjugations, and pronunciations Provides a refreshed mini-dictionary with even more essential vocabulary Offers useful exercises and practice opportunities Helps you learn to speak conversational Japanese with ease Whether for work, school, or fun, Japanese For Dummies is the fast and easy way to add this language to your skillset!
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Japanese For Dummies Audio Set
Want to speak Japanese? Don’t have a lot of time? Japanese For Dummies Audio Set is designed to help you learn quickly and easily at home or on the road. From basic greetings and expressions to grammar and conversations, you’ll grasp the essentials and start communicating right away. This completely practical, portable learning system lets you set your own pace and skip around to explore topics that interest. Three one-hour CDs introduce the basics of Japanese, get you familiar with the languages structure, and prepare you to use the language in real-world situations. You can play them on any car or home stereo, copy them to your computer, and load the pre-converted files onto your mp3 to play them wherever and whenever you want. A 96-page compact guide helps you find your way around the CDs and handy Japanese/English dictionary for quick reference on the go. You’ll discover how to: Begin communicating in Japanese on a basic level Handle greetings and introductions Ask questions and understand the answers Build your vocabulary Talk about numbers, time, and the calendar Ask for directions Order a meal at a restaurant Understand Japanese parts of speech Form complete sentences and converse in Japanese If you’re ready to start speaking Japanese, Japanese For Dummies Audio Set is the most effective, convenient, and friendliest tool you can use.
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Japanese Phrases For Dummies
A quick easy reference to pick up and reinforce key Japanese phrases Japanese is the fifth most studied language in the U.S., with over 40,000 college students enrolled in Japanese courses every year, and Japan ranks as the eighth most popular international destination for American travelers. Focusing on real-world language skills that people can put to use right away-from asking directions to talking numbers-this phrasebook is a must for travelers and students. Eriko Sato, PhD, is a native Japanese speaker and Professor of Japanese at SUNY Stony Brook.
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