Machine Learning
No, machine learning isn't about trying to teach your Roomba calculus (good luck with that, by the way). These articles will give you the lowdown on what machine learning is and how it makes your favorite apps and programs work.
Machine Learning Books

Machine Learning
Machine Learning For Dummies
One of Mark Cuban’s top reads for better understanding A.I. (, 2021) Your comprehensive entry-level guide to machine learning While machine learning expertise doesn’t quite mean you can create your own Turing Test-proof android—as in the movie Ex Machina—it is a form of artificial intelligence and one of the most exciting technological means of identifying opportunities and solving problems fast and on a large scale. Anyone who masters the principles of machine learning is mastering a big part of our tech future and opening up incredible new directions in careers that include fraud detection, optimizing search results, serving real-time ads, credit-scoring, building accurate and sophisticated pricing models—and way, way more. Unlike most machine learning books, the fully updated 2nd Edition of Machine Learning For Dummies doesn't assume you have years of experience using programming languages such as Python (R source is also included in a downloadable form with comments and explanations), but lets you in on the ground floor, covering the entry-level materials that will get you up and running building models you need to perform practical tasks. It takes a look at the underlying—and fascinating—math principles that power machine learning but also shows that you don't need to be a math whiz to build fun new tools and apply them to your work and study. Understand the history of AI and machine learning Work with Python 3.8 and TensorFlow 2.x (and R as a download) Build and test your own models Use the latest datasets, rather than the worn out data found in other books Apply machine learning to real problems Whether you want to learn for college or to enhance your business or career performance, this friendly beginner's guide is your best introduction to machine learning, allowing you to become quickly confident using this amazing and fast-developing technology that's impacting lives for the better all over the world.
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Machine Learning
Deep Learning For Dummies
Take a deep dive into deep learning Deep learning provides the means for discerning patterns in the data that drive online business and social media outlets. Deep Learning for Dummies gives you the information you need to take the mystery out of the topic—and all of the underlying technologies associated with it. In no time, you’ll make sense of those increasingly confusing algorithms, and find a simple and safe environment to experiment with deep learning. The book develops a sense of precisely what deep learning can do at a high level and then provides examples of the major deep learning application types. Includes sample code Provides real-world examples within the approachable text Offers hands-on activities to make learning easier Shows you how to use Deep Learning more effectively with the right tools This book is perfect for those who want to better understand the basis of the underlying technologies that we use each and every day.
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TensorFlow For Dummies
Become a machine learning pro! Google TensorFlow has become the darling of financial firms and research organizations, but the technology can be intimidating and the learning curve is steep. Luckily, TensorFlow For Dummies is here to offer you a friendly, easy-to-follow book on the subject. Inside, you’ll find out how to write applications with TensorFlow, while also grasping the concepts underlying machine learning—all without ever losing your cool! Machine learning has become ubiquitous in modern society, and its applications include language translation, robotics, handwriting analysis, financial prediction, and image recognition. TensorFlow is Google's preeminent toolset for machine learning, and this hands-on guide makes it easy to understand, even for those without a background in artificial intelligence. Install TensorFlow on your computer Learn the fundamentals of statistical regression and neural networks Visualize the machine learning process with TensorBoard Perform image recognition with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) Analyze sequential data with recurrent neural networks (RNNs) Execute TensorFlow on mobile devices and the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) If you’re a manager or software developer looking to use TensorFlow for machine learning, this is the book you’ll want to have close by.
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