Math Books
Whether you're an apprentice or a fully trained mathmagician, we have clear instruction to help you advance in the craft of math. Start with the basics and work up to calculus, plus everything in between. Yes, you do use this stuff in daily life.
Math Books
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Basic Math
Fractions For Dummies
An easy, straightforward, and fun guide for learning fractions and its counterparts Fractions For Dummies is the perfect strategy guide for both understanding and using one of math's most common (and most challenging) topic areas. You'll explore current solving strategies for fraction-related problems, and you'll also discover how to solve problems involving fractions' closely related cousins, decimals and percentages. Dive deep into the basics of these topics before moving on to more advanced uses, such as word problems, with the help of author and experienced math teacher Mark Zegarelli. This straightforward and intuitive book also includes: Techniques for working with mixed numbers (numbers that include whole amounts and fractions) and more Ways to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions with whole numbers and with each other Strategies for helping and supporting the young student in your life who's struggling with fractions, decimals, and/or percentages It's time you showed these math areas who's boss. Fractions For Dummies shows you just how easy fractions and the like can be!
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Pre-Calculus All-in-One For Dummies
The easy way to understand and retain all the concepts taught in pre-calculus classes Pre-Calculus All-in-One For Dummies is a great resource if you want to do you best in Pre-Calculus. Packed with lessons, examples, and practice problems in the book, plus extra chapter quizzes online, it gives you absolutely everything you need to succeed in pre-calc. Unlike your textbook, this book presents the essential topics clearly and concisely, so you can really understand the stuff you learn in class, score high on your tests (including the AP Pre-Calculus exam!), and get ready to confidently move ahead to upper-level math courses. And if you need a refresher before launching into calculus, look no further—this book has your back. Review what you learned in algebra and geometry, then dig into pre-calculus Master logarithms, exponentials, conic sections, linear equations, and beyond Get easy-to-understand explanations that match the methods your teacher uses Learn clever shortcuts, test-taking tips, and other hacks to make your life easierPre-Calculus All-in-One For Dummies is the must-have resource for students who need to review for exams or just want a little (or a lot of!) extra help understanding what’s happening in class.
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Calculus II Workbook For Dummies
Work your way through Calc 2 with crystal clear explanations and tons of practice Calculus II Workbook For Dummies is a hands-on guide to help you practice your way to a greater understanding of Calculus II. You’ll get tons of chances to work on intermediate calculus topics such as substitution, integration techniques and when to use them, approximate integration, and improper integrals. This book is packed with practical examples, plenty of practice problems, and access to online quizzes so you’ll be ready when it’s test time. Plus, every practice problem in the book and online has a complete, step-by-step answer explanation. Great as a supplement to your textbook or a refresher before taking a standardized test like the MCAT, this Dummies workbook has what you need to succeed in this notoriously difficult subject. Review important concepts from Calculus I and pre-calculus Work through practical examples for integration, differentiation, and beyond Test your knowledge with practice problems and online quizzes—and follow along with step-by-step solutions Get the best grade you can on your Calculus II examCalculus II Workbook For Dummies is an essential resource for students, alone or in tandem with Calculus II For Dummies.
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Calculus All-in-One For Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online)
Make calculus more manageable with simplified instruction and tons of practice Calculus All-in-One For Dummies pairs no-nonsense explanations of calculus content with practical examples and practice problems, so you can untangle the difficult concepts and improve your score in any calculus class. Plus, this book comes with access to chapter quizzes online. Dummies makes differentiation, integration, and everything in between more manageable, so you can crush calculus with confidence. Review the foundational basics, then dive into calc lessons that track your class. This book takes you through a full year of high-school calculus or a first semester of college calculus, only explained more clearly. Work through easy-to-understand lessons on everything in a typical calc class Get the score you want and need on standardized tests like AP Calculus Access online chapter quizzes for additional practice Untangle tricky problems and discover clever ways to solve themWith clear definitions, concise explanations, and plenty of helpful information on everything from limits and vectors to integration and curve-sketching, Calculus All-in-One For Dummies is the must-have resource for students who want to review for exams or just need extra help understanding the concepts from class.
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Statistics All-in-One For Dummies
The odds-on best way to master stats. Statistics All-in-One For Dummies is packed with lessons, examples, and practice problems to help you slay your stats course. Develop confidence and understanding in statistics with easy-to-understand (even fun) explanations of key concepts. Plus, you’ll get access to online chapter quizzes and other resources that will turn you into a stats master. This book teaches you how to interpret graphs, determine probability, critique data, and so much more. Written by an expert author and serious statistics nerd, Statistics AIO For Dummies explains everything in terms anyone can understand. Get a grasp of basic statistics concepts required in every statistics course Clear up the process of interpreting graphs, understanding polls, and analyzing data Master correlation, regression, and other data analysis tools Score higher on stats tests and get a better grade in your high school or college classStatistics All-in-One For Dummies follows the curriculum of intro college statistics courses (including AP Stats!) so you can learn everything you need to know to get the grade you need—the Dummies way.
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Algebra II All-in-One For Dummies
Every intermediate algebra lesson, example, and practice problem you need in a single, easy-to-use reference Algebra II can be a tough nut to crack when you first meet it. But with the right tools…well, she's still tough but she gets a heckuva lot easier to manage. In Algebra II All-in-One For Dummies you'll find your very own step-by-step roadmap to solving even the most challenging Algebra II problems, from conics and systems of equations to exponential and logarithmic functions. In the book, you'll discover the ins and outs of function transformation and evaluation, work out your brain with complex and imaginary numbers, and apply formulas from statistics and probability theory. You'll also find: Accessible and practical lessons and practice for second year high-school or university algebra students End-of-chapter quizzes that help you learn – and remember! – key algebraic concepts, such as quadratic equations, graphing techniques, and matrices One-year access to additional chapter quizzes online, where you can track your progress and get real-time feedback! Your own personal mathematical toolbox for some of the most useful and foundational math you'll learn in school, this Algebra II All-in-One For Dummies combines hands-on techniques, methods, and strategies from a variety of sources into one, can't-miss reference. You'll get the insights, formulas, and practice you need, all in a single book (with additional quizzes online!) that's ideal for students and lifelong learners alike!
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Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
Challenging and fun problems on every topic in a typical Algebra II course Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies gives you 1,001 opportunities to practice solving problems on all the major topics in Algebra II—in the book and online! Get extra help with tricky subjects, solidify what you’ve already learned, and get in-depth walk-throughs for every problem with this useful book. These practice problems and detailed answer explanations will get your advanced algebra juices flowing, no matter what your skill level. Thanks to Dummies, you have a resource to help you put key concepts into practice. Work through practice problems on all Algebra II topics covered in class Step through detailed solutions for every problem to build your understanding Access practice questions online to study anywhere, any time Improve your grade and up your study game with practice, practice, practiceThe material presented in Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies is an excellent resource for students, as well as parents and tutors looking to help supplement classroom instruction. Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (9781119883562) was previously published as 1,001 Algebra II Practice Problems For Dummies (9781118446621). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.
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Basic Math & Pre-Algebra
Practice makes perfect—gain math mastery with Dummies Basic Math & Pre-Algebra: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies gives you 1,001 opportunities to practice solving problems on all the major topics in middle-grade math and Pre-Algebra—in the book and online! Get extra practice with tricky subjects, solidify what you’ve already learned, and get in-depth walk-throughs for every problem with this useful book. These practice problems and detailed answer explanations will improve your mathemagic abilities, no matter what your skill level is now. Thanks to Dummies, you have a resource to help you put key concepts into practice. Work through practice problems on all middle-grade and Pre-Algebra topics covered in class Step through detailed solutions to build your understanding Access practice questions online to study anywhere, any time Improve your grade and up your study game with practice, practice, practiceThe material presented in Basic Math & Pre-Algebra: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies is an excellent resource for students, as well as parents and tutors looking to help supplement clasroom instruction. Basic Math & Pre-Algebra: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (9781119883500) was previously published as 1,001 Basic Math & Pre-Algebra Practice Problems For Dummies (9781118446560). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.
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Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
Practice your way to a higher grade in Calculus! Calculus is a hands-on skill. You’ve gotta use it or lose it. And the best way to get the practice you need to develop your mathematical talents is Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies. The perfect companion to Calculus For Dummies—and your class— this book offers readers challenging practice problems with step-by-step and detailed answer explanations and narrative walkthroughs. You’ll get free access to all 1,001 practice problems online so you can create your own study sets for extra-focused learning. Readers will also find: A useful course supplement and resource for students in high school and college taking Calculus I Free, one-year access to all practice problems online, for on-the-go study and practice An excellent preparatory resource for faster-paced college classes Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice) is an essential resource for high school and college students looking for more practice and extra help with this challenging math subject. Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (9781119883654) was previously published as 1,001 Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies (9781118496718). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.
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Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
Practice your way to a better grade in pre-calc Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies gives you 1,001 opportunities to practice solving problems from all the major topics in Pre-Calculus—in the book and online! Get extra help with tricky subjects, solidify what you’ve already learned, and get in-depth walk-throughs for every problem with this useful book. These practice problems and detailed answer explanations will turn you into a pre-calc problem-solving machine, no matter what your skill level. Thanks to Dummies, you have a resource to help you put key concepts into practice. Work through practice problems on all Pre-Calculus topics covered in school classes Read through detailed explanations of the answers to build your understanding Access practice questions online to study anywhere, any time Improve your grade and up your study game with practice, practice, practiceThe material presented in Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies is an excellent resource for students, as well as for parents and tutors looking to help supplement Pre-Calculus instruction. Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (9781119883623) was previously published as 1,001 Pre-Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies (9781118853320). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.
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