Medical Books
Guidance for aspiring health-care professionals — how to get into med school, learn billing and coding, become a transcriptionist, and more.
Medical Books
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Vaccines For Dummies
Inoculate yourself against the confusion and misinformation surrounding vaccines Measles, mumps, and rubella—oh my! Why are we vaccinating our children—and ourselves—against these diseases, and what goes on in our bodies after the needle comes out? Vaccines For Dummies will inform and entertain you about all things vax, including how the first vaccines were discovered, what’s in modern vaccines, how they are tested and approved for use, and why the CDC’s vaccine schedule is what it is. Inside, you’ll also find a complete guide to vaccine benefits, potential side effects, and contraindications, so you’ll be ready when shot time comes. From the very first inoculations hundreds of years ago to the brand new COVID-19 shot, creating immunity to diseases has become a human specialty. If you’re wondering how safe and how necessary it all is, you aren’t alone. In Vaccines For Dummies, we’ll explore the issue from every angle, empowering you to take charge of your wellbeing. With this book, you will: Discover the ABCs of vaccines, including what they’re made of and how they work Learn about each recommended childhood and adult immunization, plus the seasonal flu shot, all with this evidence-based guide Take a journey through vaccine history, meeting the major players of yesterday and today Decide what’s right for your family, with the help of the most recent vaccine science Parents, parents-to-be, adults of any age, and anyone who wants to delve into the microscopic world of pathogens and their arch nemeses (antigens and antibodies) will get a double dose of knowledge from Vaccines For Dummies.
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Medical Billing & Coding For Dummies
The essential guide for medical billing professionals, updated for ICD-11 standards Medical Billing & Coding For Dummies will set you up for success in getting started as a medical biller and coder. To ensure data accuracy and efficient data processing, medical offices need professionally trained coders to handle records. This book provides prospective allied health professionals with everything they need to know to get started in medical billing and coding as a career. In addition to an introduction to the basics of medical coding, you'll get information on how to find a training course, meet certification requirements, and deal with government agencies and insurance companies. Learn about the standard practices in the medical billing industry and get up to speed on the ethical and legal issues you're likely to face on the job. This accessible guide is a great entry point—and a great refresher—for anyone interested in the medical billing and coding profession. Get a primer on your career options in the field of medical billing Learn coding practices for telehealth, viral outbreaks, and other emerging issues Update your knowledge of the changes between ICD-10 and ICD-11 coding systems Find training programs and explore your options for certification This Dummies guide is an accessible entry point for prospective professionals looking get a jump on their new career, and current professionals intent on staying up-to-date in this flexible and growing field.
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Medical Terminology For Dummies
Take the intimidation out of medical terminology Every job in the medical field needs some background in medical terminology. From the check-in desk to the doctor to the pharmaceutical sales rep, and everyone around and in between, healthcare professionals and those in adjacent fields use a common and consistent vocabulary to improve quality, safety, and efficiency. Medical Terminology For Dummies is a powerful resource for current and prospective healthcare professionals. It provides different ways to memorize the words and their meanings, including ideas for study materials, flash cards, quizzes, mind maps, and games. Plus, you’ll discover how to identify, pronounce, define, and apply words in proper context. Grasp the standardized language of medicine Find the easiest way to remember tongue-twisting terms Benefit from lots of definitions and examples Understand, retain, and put this knowledge to use If you’re one of the millions of professionals hoping to succeed in this booming field, this book gets you talking the talk so you can walk the walk!
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Get into UK Nursing School For Dummies
The need for nurses is always great, but so is the competition to secure a place in a pre-registration programme at university. If you’re considering a career in nursing, Get into UK Nursing School For Dummies can provide you with the vital edge you need to succeed at getting into nursing school. This compact book provides you with expert advice at each step along the way, including: Career assessment — is nursing for you? Choosing a field to specialize in — adult, children's, mental health or learning disability nursing. Long term planning — A-levels, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and work experience — that can make you a more attractive candidate Considerations for mature/non-traditional students. Personal statement — Plenty of insight and examples to help you create a winning and — truly personal — personal statement Research — Put together a plan that ensures you find a university that’s right for you. Test preparation — Brush up on your literacy and numeracy skills. The interview — Common questions and how to tackle them whether you’re in a one-on-one and group interview. From "How do I get started?" to "When can I expect to be offered a place?" Get into Nursing School For Dummies answers the questions you have with the information you need.
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Getting into Medical School For Dummies
Your plain-English guide to getting into the medical school of your dreams Getting accepted to medical school is a long and rigorous process and many students find they need help. If you're one of these students, Getting into Medical School For Dummies is the perfect tool to help you through the process and realize your dream. By providing you with concise information about preparing for and applying to medical school, Getting into Medical School For Dummies prepares you for the application process. Written by an industry expert, it gives you a distinct advantage in the competitive medical school admissions process, preparing you for every step and helping you create your best application. Takes you through the often-overwhelming process of applying to medical school Explains what medical schools and admissions committees are really looking for Provides plain-English explanations of complicated medical school admissions processes If you're one of the over 40,000 students who apply to medical school each year and need help sorting through the admissions schedule, writing statements of intent, and preparing to take the MCAT, Getting Into Medical School For Dummies has you covered!
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Medical Transcription For Dummies
The fast and easy way to explore a medical transcription career Flexibility is one of the most enticing aspects of a career in medical transcription. Perfect for in the office, at home, or on vacation, medical transcriptionists can often create lifestyle-appropriate schedules. The transcription field also appeals as a part-time, post-retirement income source for ex-healthcare-industry workers. If you're interested in a career in this growing field, Medical Transcription For Dummies serves as an accessible entry point. With guidance on getting through training and certification and exploring opportunities within the myriad different kinds of employment arrangements, Medical Transcription For Dummies gives you everything you need to get started in medical transcription. Guides you on getting though medical transcription training and certification Includes expert advice and tips on how to approach complex medical jargon and understand procedures Plain-English explanations of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, diagnostic procedures, pharmacology, and treatment assessments Whether used as a classroom supplement or a desk reference, students and professionals alike can benefit from Medical Transcription For Dummies.
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Get into UK Medical School For Dummies
Get the book and get into medical school. Sound simple? Well, it isnt. But Get into UK Medical School For Dummies contains the information you need to get ahead of the competition and give yourself the best possible shot at success. Doctors Chris Chopdar and Neel Burton guide you through the entire process from deciding whether a career in medicine is right for you to sitting for interviews.
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IV Therapy For Dummies
The fast and painless way to ace your IV Therapy course Are you an aspiring nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant struggling with IV therapy? Help is here! IV Therapy For Dummies tracks to a typical IV therapy course and gives you current, easy-to-follow guidance on everything you'll encounter in class, such as delivery methods, flow rates, legal issues, profession standards, and documentation. IV Therapy For Dummies also discusses the necessary components of peripheral and central venous therapy, including access sites, equipment, preparation, maintenance, and the discontinuation of therapy. Plus, you'll get the 4-1-1 on the administration of IV medications, including special considerations for pediatric, elderly, and home care patients. Tracks to a typical IV Therapy course Provides current, comprehensive information in plain English If you're enrolled in an IV Therapy course or a healthcare worker looking for a refresher on this important form of medical treatment, IV Therapy For Dummies has you covered.
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Medical Dosage Calculations For Dummies
Score your highest in a medical dosage calculations course A recent shortage of nurses in a society with an aging population has triggered the demand for students to enter the field of medical study. A dosage calculations course is required for most students earning an applied science degree in nursing, pharmacology, or paramedic programs. Medical Dosage Calculations For Dummies tracks a typical dosage calculations course and provides helpful content in an approachable and easy-to-understand format. Plus, you'll get examples of the various calculations made to determine the appropriate quantity of drug or solution that should be administered to patients. Calculating drug dosages utilizing ratio-proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis Systems of measurement, including metric and apothecary and other conversion equivalents for a global audience The ins and outs of the charting systems for MAR (Medicine Administration Records) If you're one of the hundreds of thousands of students aspiring to enter the medical field, Medical Dosage Calculations For Dummies is your ticket for scoring your highest on exams.
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