Persuasion & Influence
How to get what you want — without making enemies.
Persuasion & Influence Books
Persuasion & Influence
Negotiating For Dummies
People who can’t or won’t negotiate on their own behalf run the risk of paying too much, earning too little, and always feeling like they’re getting the short end of the stick. Negotiating For Dummies offers tips and strategies to help you become a more comfortable and effective negotiator. It shows you negotiating can improve many of your everyday transactions—everything from buying a car to upping your salary. Find out how to: Develop a negotiating style Map out the opposition Set goals and limits Listen, then ask the right question Interpret body language Say what you mean with crystal clarity Deal with difficult people Push the pause button Close the deal Featuring new information on re-negotiating, as well as online, phone, and international negotiations, Negotiating For Dummies helps you enter any negotiation with confidence and come out feeling like a winner.
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Leadership For Dummies
Yogi Berra said, leading is easy, the hard part is getting people to follow. Let this user-friendly guide show you the path to great leadership Eliciting cooperation from a group of people of any size—from a project team to an army—can be like trying to tap dance on quicksand. Although leadership might come easier to some people, it isn't necessarily something you have to be born with as you'll learn in this step-by-step guide to becoming a leader — leaders are made, not born, and just about anybody can become an effective leader. Whether you aspire to being a leader, have had leadership thrust upon you, or are already a leader and want to be better at it, Leadership For Dummies is for you. Short on theory and long on practical strategies and surefire techniques, it arms you with what you need to: Build and flex your leadership muscles See opportunity amid change and crisis Develop your own leadership style Lead with effective communication and encouragement Recognize the ten telltale behaviors of true leaders Earn greater respect, success, and recognition Teacher, preacher, coach, project leader. . . no matter what specific leadership role you want to fill, Leadership For Dummies provides you with a solid foundation to hone your leadership chops and instill trust in those you lead. You'll discover: What it takes to be a leader and your own leadership potential Common misconceptions about leadership How to be flexible and adaptive without compromising your principles The ongoing process of leadership How to prepare to assume the role of leader Leadership in everyday life and how to take a more active role in your family, community, and the world at large What vision is and why it's so necessary to great leadership How to develop (and act on) your own vision How to create winning teams and keep them following your lead This friendly and accessible guide also explains types of leadership, roles leaders take on to get the job done, and how the realities of leadership can affect your everyday life. If you want to know all of that and get quick ideas about leadership and the art of persuading, grab your own copy of Leadership For Dummies today.
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