Jazz, classical, soul, pop, country. With your keyboard and our basic-to-advanced instruction, you can play it all.
Piano Books

Piano Exercises For Dummies, 2nd Edition
The ideal hands-on reference for piano students who want to strengthen their skills and refine their technique--and the perfect companion and next step to the bestselling Piano For Dummies. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
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Piano For Dummies
The key to fast and fun piano proficiency! Whether you’re a wannabe Mozart or are an experienced hand at tinkling the ivories, the latest edition of Piano For Dummies has what you need to take you to the next level in making beautiful music using this much-loved and versatile instrument. Working as an introductory course—or as a refresher to keep those fingers nimble—you’ll find information on getting started, improving your technique and performance, and the best ways to practice until you hit finely tuned perfection. And, along the way, you’ll pick up the techniques for different styles, including classical, blues, and rock. In an easy-to-follow style, the book also helps you sharpen your sight-reading. You can also tune in to audio and video online to help you improve your creativity and discipline, as well as hear and see that you’re hitting the right notes. Choose the right piano Know your keys Scale up for success Care for your instrument Whatever you want from your love affair with the old “88,” you’ll find enough right here to keep you hammering happily—and even more proficiently—away for years to come! P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you’re probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Piano For Dummies (9781118900055). The book you see here shouldn’t be considered a new or updated product. But if you’re in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We’re always writing about new topics!
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Piano & Keyboard All-in-One For Dummies
The comprehensive go-to guide for building keyboard skills Being able to play a tune on the piano can bring you a lifetime of sheer aesthetic pleasure—and put you in serious demand at parties! Whatever your motivation for tinkling the ivories, the latest edition of Piano & Keyboard All-In-One For Dummies gives you the essentials you need both to build your playing skills and expand your knowledge of music theory, from deciding what keyboard suits you best to musing on the science of what makes music so emotionally compelling. This indispensable resource combines the best of Piano For Dummies, Keyboard For Dummies, Music Theory For Dummies, and Piano Exercises For Dummies and includes practice strategies, as well as access to streaming and downloadable audio to help guide your progress. In addition to becoming acquainted with the latest in music theory, you'll learn to develop your sight-reading skills and performance techniques—until you can reproduce pieces flawlessly on request! Choose and care for your keyboard Practice until perfect Compose your own songs Hook up to speakers, computers, and more Learning to play the keys is a never-ending journey of new discoveries and joy, and there's no better companion on your voyage than this friendly, erudite, and comprehensive guide. P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you're probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Piano and Keyboard AIO For Dummies (9781118837429). The book you see here shouldn't be considered a new or updated product. But if you're in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We're always writing about new topics!
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Keyboard For Dummies
The easy way to get keyed up on the keyboard Where Piano For Dummies helps budding musicians to master the black-and-white musical keyboard, Keyboard For Dummies helps them understand the possibilities that unfold when those black-and-whites are connected to state-of-the-art music technology. Keyboard For Dummies explains the ins-and-outs of modern keyboards and helps you get the most out of their capabilities. Key content coverage includes: an overview of the types of keyboards available today and how they differ from acoustic pianos; expert advice on choosing the right keyboard for your wants/needs and how to shop and compare the various models; a close look at the types of sounds an electronic keyboard offers and how to achieve them; step-by-step instruction on how to use keyboards anywhere using external speakers, amps, home stereos, computers, and tablets; guidance on how to use keyboard software and applications to get the most out of keyboard technology; and much more. A multimedia component for this title will be hosted at Dummies.com and includes companion audio tracks that demonstrate techniques and sounds found in the book Step-by-step instructions make learning keyboard easy and fun Introduces you to the musical possibilities of the keyboard If you're new to the keyboard or looking to take your skills to the next level, Keyboard For Dummies is a thorough guide to the ins and outs of this popular instrument.
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