Can learning (or reviewing) pre-calc really be fun? With our breakdowns and practice problems, it'll come pretty close.
Pre-Calculus Books

Pre-Calculus All-in-One For Dummies
The easy way to understand and retain all the concepts taught in pre-calculus classes Pre-Calculus All-in-One For Dummies is a great resource if you want to do you best in Pre-Calculus. Packed with lessons, examples, and practice problems in the book, plus extra chapter quizzes online, it gives you absolutely everything you need to succeed in pre-calc. Unlike your textbook, this book presents the essential topics clearly and concisely, so you can really understand the stuff you learn in class, score high on your tests (including the AP Pre-Calculus exam!), and get ready to confidently move ahead to upper-level math courses. And if you need a refresher before launching into calculus, look no further—this book has your back. Review what you learned in algebra and geometry, then dig into pre-calculus Master logarithms, exponentials, conic sections, linear equations, and beyond Get easy-to-understand explanations that match the methods your teacher uses Learn clever shortcuts, test-taking tips, and other hacks to make your life easierPre-Calculus All-in-One For Dummies is the must-have resource for students who need to review for exams or just want a little (or a lot of!) extra help understanding what’s happening in class.
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Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
Practice your way to a better grade in pre-calc Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies gives you 1,001 opportunities to practice solving problems from all the major topics in Pre-Calculus—in the book and online! Get extra help with tricky subjects, solidify what you’ve already learned, and get in-depth walk-throughs for every problem with this useful book. These practice problems and detailed answer explanations will turn you into a pre-calc problem-solving machine, no matter what your skill level. Thanks to Dummies, you have a resource to help you put key concepts into practice. Work through practice problems on all Pre-Calculus topics covered in school classes Read through detailed explanations of the answers to build your understanding Access practice questions online to study anywhere, any time Improve your grade and up your study game with practice, practice, practiceThe material presented in Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies is an excellent resource for students, as well as for parents and tutors looking to help supplement Pre-Calculus instruction. Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (9781119883623) was previously published as 1,001 Pre-Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies (9781118853320). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.
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Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies
Get a handle on pre-calculus in a pinch! If you’re tackling pre-calculus and want to up your chances of doing your very best, this hands-on workbook is just what you need to grasp and retain the concepts that will help you succeed. Inside, you’ll get basic content review for every concept, paired with examples and plenty of practice problems, ample workspace, step-by-step solutions, and thorough explanations for each and every problem. In Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies, you’ll also get free access to a quiz for every chapter online! With all of the lessons and practice offered, you’ll memorize the most frequently used formulas, see how to avoid common mistakes, understand tricky trig proofs, and get the inside scoop on key concepts such as quadratic equations. Get ample review before jumping into a calculus course Supplement your classroom work with easy-to-follow guidance Make complex formulas and concepts more approachable Be prepared to further your mathematics studies Whether you’re enrolled in a pre-calculus class or you’re looking for a refresher as you prepare for a calculus course, this is the perfect study companion to make it easier.
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Pre-Calculus For Dummies
Get ahead in pre-calculus Pre-calculus courses have become increasingly popular with 35 percent of students in the U.S. taking the course in middle or high school. Often, completion of such a course is a prerequisite for calculus and other upper level mathematics courses. Pre-Calculus For Dummies is an invaluable resource for students enrolled in pre-calculus courses. By presenting the essential topics in a clear and concise manner, the book helps students improve their understanding of pre-calculus and become prepared for upper level math courses. Provides fundamental information in an approachable manner Includes fresh example problems Practical explanations mirror today’s teaching methods Offers relevant cultural references Whether used as a classroom aid or as a refresher in preparation for an introductory calculus course, this book is one you’ll want to have on hand to perform your very best.
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