Don't be scared, it's not poisonous. Python is one of the easiest languages you can learn. Check out our articles on Python here.
Python Books
Python Essentials For Dummies
The no-nonsense way to get started coding in the Python programming language Python Essentials For Dummies is a quick reference to all the core concepts in Python, the multifaceted general-purpose language used for everything from building websites to creating apps. This book gets right to the point, with no excess review, wordy explanations, or fluff, making it perfect as a desk reference on the job or as a brush-up as you expand your skills in related areas. Focusing on just the essential topics you need to know to brush up or level up your Python skill, this is the reliable little book you can always turn to for answers. Get a quick and thorough intro to the basic concepts of coding in Python Review what you've already learned or pick up essential new skills Create websites, software, machine learning, and automation for school or work Keep this concise reference book handy for jogging your memory as you code This portable Dummies Essentials book focuses on the key topics you need to know about the popular Python language. Great for supplementing a course, reviewing for a certification, or staying knowledgeable on the job.
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Python All-in-One For Dummies
Everything you need to know to get into Python coding, with 7 books in one Python All-in-One For Dummies is your one-stop source for answers to all your Python questions. From creating apps to building complex web sites to sorting big data, Python provides a way to get the work done. This book is great as a starting point for those new to coding, and it also makes a perfect reference for experienced coders looking for more than the basics. Apply your Python skills to data analysis, learn to write AI-assisted code using GitHub CoPilot, and discover many more exciting uses for this top programming language. Get started coding in Python—even if you’re new to computer programming Reference all the essentials and the latest updates, so your code is air-tight Learn how Python can be a solution for large-scale projects and big datasets Accelerate your career path with this comprehensive guide to learning PythonExperienced and would-be coders alike will love this easy-to-follow guide to learning and applying Python.
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Python for Data Science For Dummies
Let Python do the heavy lifting for you as you analyze large datasets Python for Data Science For Dummies lets you get your hands dirty with data using one of the top programming languages. This beginner’s guide takes you step by step through getting started, performing data analysis, understanding datasets and example code, working with Google Colab, sampling data, and beyond. Coding your data analysis tasks will make your life easier, make you more in-demand as an employee, and open the door to valuable knowledge and insights. This new edition is updated for the latest version of Python and includes current, relevant data examples. Get a firm background in the basics of Python coding for data analysis Learn about data science careers you can pursue with Python coding skills Integrate data analysis with multimedia and graphics Manage and organize data with cloud-based relational databasesPython careers are on the rise. Grab this user-friendly Dummies guide and gain the programming skills you need to become a data pro.
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Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies
Create simple, easy programs in the popular Python language Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies is the trusted way to learn the foundations of programming using the Python programming language. Python is one of the top-ranked languages, and there’s no better way to get started in computer programming than this friendly guide. You’ll learn the basics of coding and the process of creating simple, fun programs right away. This updated edition features new chapters, including coverage of Google Colab, plus expanded information on functions and objects, and new examples and graphics that are relevant to today’s beginning coders. Dummies helps you discover the wealth of things you can achieve with Python. Employ an online coding environment to avoid installation woes and code anywhere, any time Learn the basics of programming using the popular Python language Create easy, fun projects to show off your new coding chops Fix errors in your code and use Python with external data sets Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies will get new programmers started—the easy way.
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Python For Kids For Dummies
The kid-friendly way to learning coding with Python Calling all wanna-be coders! Experts point to Python as one of the best languages to start with when you're learning coding, and Python For Kids For Dummies makes it easier than ever. Packed with approachable, bite-sized projects that won't make you lose your cool, this fun and friendly guide teaches the basics of coding with Python in a language you can understand. In no time, you'll be installing Python tools, creating guessing games, building a geek speak translator, making a trivia game, constructing a Minecraft chat client, and so much more. Whether you don't have the opportunity to take coding classes at school or in camp—or just simply prefer to learn on your own—Python For Kids For Dummies makes getting acquainted with this popular coding language fast and easy. It walks you step-by-step through basic coding projects and provides lots of hands-on tasks that give you a sweet sense of accomplishment when you complete them. What's not to love about that? Navigate the basics of coding with the Python language Create your own applications and games Find help from other Python users Expand your technology skills with Python If you're a pre-to-early-teen looking to add coding skills to your creativity toolbox, Python For Kids For Dummies is your sure-fire weapon for getting up and running with one of the hottest programming languages around.
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Python For Dummies
Python is one of the most powerful, easy-to-read programming languages around, but it does have its limitations. This general purpose, high-level language that can be extended and embedded is a smart option for many programming problems, but a poor solution to others. Python For Dummies is the quick-and-easy guide to getting the most out of this robust program. This hands-on book will show you everything you need to know about building programs, debugging code, and simplifying development, as well as defining what actions it can perform. You’ll wrap yourself around all of its advanced features and become an expert Python user in no time. This guide gives you the tools you need to: Master basic elements and syntax Document, design, and debug programs Work with strings like a pro Direct a program with control structures Integrate integers, complex numbers, and modules Build lists, stacks, and queues Create an organized dictionary Handle functions, data, and namespace Construct applications with modules and packages Call, create, extend, and override classes Access the Internet to enhance your library Understand the new features of Python 2.5 Packed with critical idioms and great resources to maximize your productivity, Python For Dummies is the ultimate one-stop information guide. In a matter of minutes you’ll be familiar with Python’s building blocks, strings, dictionaries, and sets; and be on your way to writing the program that you’ve dreamed about!
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