R is a favorite of data scientists and statisticians everywhere, with its ability to crunch large datasets and deal with scientific information.
R Books

Statistical Analysis with R Essentials For Dummies
The easy way to get started coding and analyzing data in the R programming language Statistical Analysis with R Essentials For Dummies is your reference to all the core concepts about R—the widely used, open-source programming language and data analysis tool. This no-nonsense book gets right to the point, eliminating review material, wordy explanations, and fluff. Understand all you need to know about the foundations of R, swiftly and clearly. Perfect for a brush-up on the basics or as an everyday desk reference on the job, this is the reliable little book you can always turn to for answers. Get a quick and thorough intro to the basic concepts of coding for data analysis in R Review what you've already learned or pick up essential new skills Perform statistical analysis for school, business, and beyond with R programming Keep this concise reference book handy for jogging your memory as you work This book is to the point, focusing on the key topics readers need to know about this popular programming language. Great for supplementing classroom learning, reviewing for a certification, or staying knowledgeable on the job.
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R All-in-One For Dummies
A deep dive into the programming language of choice for statistics and data With R All-in-One For Dummies, you get five mini-books in one, offering a complete and thorough resource on the R programming language and a road map for making sense of the sea of data we're all swimming in. Maybe you're pursuing a career in data science, maybe you're looking to infuse a little statistics know-how into your existing career, or maybe you're just R-curious. This book has your back. Along with providing an overview of coding in R and how to work with the language, this book delves into the types of projects and applications R programmers tend to tackle the most. You'll find coverage of statistical analysis, machine learning, and data management with R. Grasp the basics of the R programming language and write your first lines of code Understand how R programmers use code to analyze data and perform statistical analysis Use R to create data visualizations and machine learning programs Work through sample projects to hone your R coding skill This is an excellent all-in-one resource for beginning coders who'd like to move into the data space by knowing more about R.
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R Projects For Dummies
Make the most of R’s extensive toolset R Projects For Dummies offers a unique learn-by-doing approach. You will increase the depth and breadth of your R skillset by completing a wide variety of projects. By using R’s graphics, interactive, and machine learning tools, you’ll learn to apply R’s extensive capabilities in an array of scenarios. The depth of the project experience is unmatched by any other content online or in print. And you just might increase your statistics knowledge along the way, too! R is a free tool, and it’s the basis of a huge amount of work in data science. It's taking the place of costly statistical software that sometimes takes a long time to learn. One reason is that you can use just a few R commands to create sophisticated analyses. Another is that easy-to-learn R graphics enable you make the results of those analyses available to a wide audience. This book will help you sharpen your skills by applying them in the context of projects with R, including dashboards, image processing, data reduction, mapping, and more. Appropriate for R users at all levels Helps R programmers plan and complete their own projects Focuses on R functions and packages Shows how to carry out complex analyses by just entering a few commands If you’re brand new to R or just want to brush up on your skills, R Projects For Dummies will help you complete your projects with ease.
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Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies
Understanding the world of R programming and analysis has never been easier Most guides to R, whether books or online, focus on R functions and procedures. But now, thanks to Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies, you have access to a trusted, easy-to-follow guide that focuses on the foundational statistical concepts that R addresses—as well as step-by-step guidance that shows you exactly how to implement them using R programming. People are becoming more aware of R every day as major institutions are adopting it as a standard. Part of its appeal is that it's a free tool that's taking the place of costly statistical software packages that sometimes take an inordinate amount of time to learn. Plus, R enables a user to carry out complex statistical analyses by simply entering a few commands, making sophisticated analyses available and understandable to a wide audience. Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies enables you to perform these analyses and to fully understand their implications and results. Gets you up to speed on the #1 analytics/data science software tool Demonstrates how to easily find, download, and use cutting-edge community-reviewed methods in statistics and predictive modeling Shows you how R offers intel from leading researchers in data science, free of charge Provides information on using R Studio to work with R Get ready to use R to crunch and analyze your data—the fast and easy way!
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R For Dummies
Mastering R has never been easier Picking up R can be tough, even for seasoned statisticians and data analysts. R For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides a quick and painless way to master all the R you'll ever need. Requiring no prior programming experience and packed with tons of practical examples, step-by-step exercises, and sample code, this friendly and accessible guide shows you how to know your way around lists, data frames, and other R data structures, while learning to interact with other programs, such as Microsoft Excel. You'll learn how to reshape and manipulate data, merge data sets, split and combine data, perform calculations on vectors and arrays, and so much more. R is an open source statistical environment and programming language that has become very popular in varied fields for the management and analysis of data. R provides a wide array of statistical and graphical techniques, and has become the standard among statisticians for software development and data analysis. R For Dummies, 2nd Edition takes the intimidation out of working with R and arms you with the knowledge and know-how to master the programming language of choice among statisticians and data analysts worldwide. Covers downloading, installing, and configuring R Includes tips for getting data in and out of R Offers advice on fitting regression models and ANOVA Provides helpful hints for working with graphics R For Dummies, 2nd Edition is an ideal introduction to R for complete beginners, as well as an excellent technical reference for experienced R programmers.
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