Know how to get your data moving when the database says, "Talk SQL to me."
SQL Books

SQL Essentials For Dummies
A right-to-the-point guide on all the key topics of SQL programming SQL Essentials For Dummies is your quick reference to all the core concepts of SQL—a valuable common standard language used in relational databases. This useful guide is straightforward—with no excess review, wordy explanations, or fluff—so you get what you need, fast. Great for a brush-up on the basics or as an everyday desk reference, this book is one you can rely on. Strengthen your understanding of the basics of SQL Review what you've already learned or pick up key skills Use SQL to create, manipulate, and control relational databases Jog your memory on the essentials as you work and get clear answers to your questions Perfect for supplementing classroom learning, reviewing for a certification, and staying knowledgeable on the job, SQL Essentials For Dummies is the convenient, direct, and digestible reference you've been looking for.
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SQL All-in-One For Dummies
The most thorough SQL reference, now updated for SQL:2023 SQL All-in-One For Dummies has everything you need to get started with the SQL programming language, and then to level up your skill with advanced applications. This relational database coding language is one of the most used languages in professional software development. And, as it becomes ever more important to take control of data, there’s no end in sight to the need for SQL know-how. You can take your career to the next level with this guide to creating databases, accessing and editing data, protecting data from corruption, and integrating SQL with other languages in a programming environment. Become a SQL guru and turn the page on the next chapter of your coding career. Get 7 mini-books in one, covering basic SQL, database development, and advanced SQL concepts Read clear explanations of SQL code and learn to write complex queries Discover how to apply SQL in real-world situations to gain control over large datasets Enjoy a thorough reference to common tasks and issues in SQL developmentThis Dummies All-in-One guide is for all SQL users—from beginners to more experienced programmers. Find the info and the examples you need to reach the next stage in your SQL journey.
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SQL For Dummies
Get ready to make SQL easy! Updated for the latest version of SQL, the new edition of this perennial bestseller shows programmers and web developers how to use SQL to build relational databases and get valuable information from them. Covering everything you need to know to make working with SQL easier than ever, topics include how to use SQL to structure a DBMS and implement a database design; secure a database; and retrieve information from a database; and much more. SQL is the international standard database language used to create, access, manipulate, maintain, and store information in relational database management systems (DBMS) such as Access, Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL. SQL adds powerful data manipulation and retrieval capabilities to conventional languages—and this book shows you how to harness the core element of relational databases with ease. Server platform that gives you choices of development languages, data types, on-premises or cloud, and operating systems Find great examples on the use of temporal data Jump right in—without previous knowledge of database programming or SQL As database-driven websites continue to grow in popularity—and complexity—SQL For Dummies is the easy-to-understand, go-to resource you need to use it seamlessly.
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Oracle PL / SQL For Dummies
Find tips for creating efficient PL/SQL code If you know a bit about SQL, this book will make PL/SQL programming painless! The Oracle has spoken—you need to get up to speed on PL/SQL programming, right? We predict it'll be a breeze with this book! You'll find out about code structures, best practices, and code naming standards, how to use conditions and loops, where to place PL/SQL code in system projects, ways to manipulate data, and more. Discover how to Write efficient, easy-to-maintain code Test and debug PL/SQL routines Integrate SQL and PL/SQL Apply PL/SQL best practices Use new features introduced in Oracle 9i and 10g
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