Bite-sized articles on tax topics for the US, UK, and Canada. We cover personal taxes, business taxes, estate tax, and more.
Taxes Books

Reducing Your Taxes For Dummies
Get year-round insight on reducing tax burdens This book walks you through the best strategies for reducing your personal tax burden and keeping more dollars in your pocket. If you plan and manage your finances all year round, tax season can be a cakewalk. Reducing Your Taxes For Dummies offers tips on maximizing your deductions, minimizing your income tax, and hunting for breaks on investment, real estate, and business income tax. Written by Dummies financial guru Eric Tyson (Personal Finance For Dummies, Taxes For Dummies), this guide explains tax basics, savings plans, retirement accounts, and myriad ideas for reducing your personal tax burden. Understand filing status, child tax credits, alternative minimum tax, IRS audits, and beyond Avoid common tax mistakes and identify all your possible deductions Plan and invest in a tax-wise way throughout the year Make the most of your retirement accounts and savings plans Keep your hard-earned cash with Reducing Your Taxes For Dummies. It's full of year-round opportunities for reducing your tax burden and paying less in taxes each year.
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Tax for Australians For Dummies
Tackle your taxes with ease – and get the most from your next return! Do you want to be sure you're getting the maximum tax refund? Of course you do! Luckily, Tax for Australians For Dummies makes it easy to ensure you get every cent you deserve. Written by respected tax specialist and CPA fellow Jimmy B. Prince, this fun and friendly guide walks you step-by-step through the complex Australian tax system. It explains in plain English what you can claim — and exactly what you're owed. Tax for Australians For Dummies has you covered from every angle: from family tax benefits to electric cars, superannuation tax thresholds to working-from-home deductions, personal investments to business concessions, and much more. Full of top tips and quick facts, this new and revised 9th edition will ensure you’re up to date with the latest tax changes. Whether you prepare your tax return online or go to an accountant, you’ll find something inside that will take your return from “What?” to “Wow!” in no time. Includes up-to-date tax rates and superannuation thresholds Explains Fringe Benefits Tax and Capital Gains Tax Covers tax and financial hardship and relief measures If you’re an employee, investor, small-business owner, retiree or even a student, Tax for Australians For Dummies is the no-nonsense, easy-to-follow guide that answers all of your tax questions.
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Taxes For Dummies
Cut your tax bill down to size with year-round tips and tricks Taxes For Dummies is the antidote to the annual headache that is the U.S. tax system. This book paves the way for you to file a return that maximizes all the deductions and credits available to you. It also provides insight on making smart financial decisions that help minimize your tax burden. Need to correct or revise a return? You’ll find all the information you need to do it right this time. And, of course the A-word is covered—learn what to do if the IRS shows up on your doorstep to audit your return. This new edition provides updates on the latest changes to the U.S. tax system, so you can sail through this year’s tax season, headache free. Prepare your yearly tax return with confidence Apply sound strategies to reduce your tax bill Discover year-round ways to keep more of your earnings Create a tax-savvy financial plan, with or without the help of an advisorWith Taxes For Dummies, anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the U.S. tax filing system can learn what they need to save money and manage taxes throughout the year.
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