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One of the ways your can customize your Android tablet is by adding your favorite apps to your Home screen. This gives you immediate access to the apps you use most and gives you control over which apps greet you when you start up your tablet. Here’s how that works:

  1. Visit the Home screen page on which you want to stick the app icon.

    The screen must have room for the app icon.

  2. Touch the Apps icon to display the Apps drawer.

  3. Long-press the app icon you want to add to the Home screen.

  4. Drag the app to the Home screen page, lifting your finger to place the app.

    A copy of the app’s icon is placed on the Home screen.


The app hasn’t moved: What you see is a copy or, officially, a launcher. You can still find the app in the Apps drawer, but now the app is available — more conveniently — on the Home screen.

  • Don’t worry if the app isn’t in exactly the right spot.

  • Keep your favorite apps, those you use most often, on the Home screen.

  • The best apps to place on the Home screen are those that show updates, such as new messages. These icons are also ideal to place on the Favorites tray.

  • You can also add apps to the Home screen by choosing the Apps (or Apps and Widgets) command from the Home screen menu. Often this command merely skips over Steps 1 and 2; you still have to long-press the icon and drag it to a Home screen page.

  • Icons on the Home screen are aligned to a grid. You can’t stuff more icons on the Home screen than will fit in the grid, so when a Home screen page is full of icons (or widgets), use another Home screen page.

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