
How to Knit a Four-Stitch Cable

2016-04-25 20:56:45
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Knitting Patterns For Dummies
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Four-stitch front and back cables are knit cables small enough to be used as an allover pattern without overwhelming the knitted piece. Four-stitch front (or C4F) looks like it’s twisting to the left, while four-stitch back cables (C4B) twist to the right.


Work a four-stitch front cable when you come to the direction C4F in a pattern:

  1. Slip the next 2 stitches on the left-hand needle to the cable needle and hold the cable needle to the front of the work.

  2. Knit 2 stitches from the left-hand needle.

  3. Knit 2 stitches from the cable needle.

Turn a four-stitch back cable when you come to the direction C4B in a pattern:
  1. Slip the next 2 stitches on the left-hand needle to the cable needle and hold the cable needle to the back of the work.

  2. Knit 2 stitches from the left-hand needle.

  3. Knit 2 stitches from the cable needle.

Knit a swatch and practice making these cables:

  1. Cast on 20 stitches.

  2. Follow this stitch pattern or chart:


    Rows 1 and 3 (WS): *K4, p4, repeat from * to last 4 sts, k4.

    Row 2 (RS): *P4, k4, repeat from * to last 4 sts, p4.

    Row 4 (turning row) (RS): P4, C4B, p4, C4F, p4.

    Repeat these 4 rows until you get the hang of turning cables.

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