Open lace patterns, like arrowhead and miniature leaf, offer a traditional knitted lace look. Knit open lace patterns in fine yarns on fine needles (think elegant cashmere scarves) or in chunky yarn on big needles for the unexpected.
Knitting open lace: Arrowhead pattern
Arrowhead lace requires a multiple of 6 stitches, plus 1:
Cast on a multiple of 6 sts, plus 1 st.
Follow this stitch pattern:
Rows 1 and 3 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: K1, * yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1; rep from * to end of row.
Row 4: K2, * yo, sl 2 kwise, k1, p2sso, yo, k3; rep from * to last 5 sts, yo, sl 2 kwise, k1, p2sso, yo, k2.
Repeat Rows 1–4.
Knitting open lace: Miniature leaf pattern
In this simple miniature leaf pattern, each little “leaf” is surrounded by lace openings:
Cast on a multiple of 6 sts, plus 1 st.
Follow this stitch pattern:
Row 1 and all WS rows: Purl.
Row 2: K1, * k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1; rep from * to end of row.
Row 4: K2tog, * yo, k3, yo, sl 2 kwise, k1, p2sso; rep from * to last 6 sts, yo, k3, yo, ssk.
Row 6: K1, * yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1; rep from * to end of row.
Row 8: K2, * yo, sl 2 kwise, k1, p2sso, yo, k3; rep from * to last 7 sts, yo, sl 2 kwise, k1, p2sso, yo, k2.
Repeat Rows 1–8.