
How to Run a Report in Smartsheet

2016-03-26 07:59:12
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Say you have to share Smartsheet data with a large group of people, but you don’t want to share the sheet. You can instead run reports tailored to the data you want to share, and then share or publish those reports. Those who view your reports see only what you specify and can’t modify any of the data within your sheet.

As an example, let’s run a report for the tasks that you’ve assigned to a certain project team member. Follow these steps to create the report:

  1. Log in to Smartsheet and click the Home tab at the top of your browser.

  2. On the left, click Reports and click the Create New Report link.

  3. Alternatively, click the Create New drop-down menu and choose Report.

  4. Give your new report a name and click OK. Your new report appears in your list of reports.

  5. Click on the link for your report. You see the Report Builder dialogue box (see Figure 1).

    Figure 1: The Report Builder dialogue box.
    Figure 1: The Report Builder dialogue box.

Source: smartsheet.com

  1. Click the Where? button. In the dialogue box, choose the sheet(s) or workspace(s) you want to pull the data from. You can choose multiple sheets and workspaces.

  2. Click the Who? button. In the dialogue box, click Assigned To. You can also Choose Modified or Created By.

  3. In the Step 2 of 2 dialogue box that appears, choose the team member for which you want to run the report. You can add multiple team members by clicking the Who? button again.

  4. Click the What? button. In the dialogue box, choose the column of data you want to base your report on. Since this example is to show the tasks a team member has assigned to them, choose Task Name, which is the primary column.

  5. A Step 2 of 2 dialogue box appears asking you to further define the criteria for what appears in the report. For example, you can specify task names that contain a certain word. To include all the tasks, leave this as is.

  6. Click the When? button. In the dialogue box, choose the date you want to run the report against, such as start date or end date.

  7. In the Step 2 of 2 dialogue box, refine your criteria for the data. For example, if you want to list tasks for the upcoming month, choose “is between” and give the start and end dates of the month.

  8. Click the Columns button to choose the columns of the sheet to include in the report.

  9. Click Run to create your report. Your report may look something like Figure 2.

    Figure 2: A finished report.
    Figure 2: A finished report.

Source: smartsheet.com

You can use the “And/Or” operators to determine whether all the criteria should be met or not. “And” requires all the criteria that you specified; “Or” means that only one of the listed criteria needs to be met.

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