
Mock Millennial Generation Personality Test

2016-03-26 14:40:29
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Note: This is not a real personality test. It's designed to be a "fun" introduction to personality testing and what it might be like to take one. Please enjoy — and take with a pound of salt.

Instructions: If you were born in or after 1980, fill out this form to get an idea of how your personality looks in various ways and to what degree (or not) you possess certain personality traits thought to be associated with the Millennial Generation — that is, those born after 1980.

If you were born in 1979 or before, you can fill the form out too and use the results to determine how well you're keeping up, fitting in, staying young, and just how Millennial your personality is.

Read each item and decide whether it is, for you, mostly true or mostly false. Of course, people change, but think about these as relating to you in general, across time, as stable personality features. Once you are done, follow the instructions on the scoring sheet. Have fun!

Personality Inventory
# Item True False
1 I think I'm a pretty "ok" person.
2 Sometimes I hear other's people's thoughts.
3 I never feel pain.
4 Tattoos are for sailors, bikers, and riff-raff.
5 I don't understand what "login" means.
6 I sleep with my cellphone.
7 I always read the whole newspaper every day.
8 I believe Ronald Reagan was a great president.
9 I believe the older generation is superior to the younger generation when it comes to moral values and work ethic.
10 I believe I have a responsibility to have an elderly parent live with me if they need to and choose to.
11 I argue with my parents less than they argued with theirs.
12 I believe that the human body is made of fermented cheese.
13 I have posted at least one video of myself online.
14 I have a social profile on a social networking site.
15 I identify myself as multiracial.
16 I am less religious than my parents.
17 I am open to change.
18 I feel upbeat about the future.
19 I believe I should be promoted every two years at my job regardless of my performance.
20 I think about myself more than other people.
21 I think marriage and children are more important than career and financial success.
22 I think that moustaches look good.
23 I think Poison is the greatest band that ever was.
24 I believe people worry too much about online privacy.
25 I believe Prince would make a great president.
26 I hear noises.
27 I speak to my neighbors on a regular basis.
28 It is absolutely vital that I go to church, mosque, or synagogue (or other religious facility) as often as possible.
29 My parents have been married for 30 or more years.
30 Piercings are for pirates.
31 I live with my parents.
32 I see things.
33 The government should close down and get out of business.
34 Nobody owes anybody anything. You've got to earn it.
35 I believe the world is on an express train to hell.
36 I hear noises that others don't.
37 Frank Sinatra was the coolest.
38 I believe smartphones are for dumb people.
39 I see things that others don't.
40 I have confidence in my abilities.
41 I have at least one tattoo.
42 I have more than one tattoo.
43 I have a piercing somewhere other than the ear.
44 I prefer tattoos be "hidden" under clothing and I consider them personal.
45 I believe you can't be "too careful" when dealing with people.
46 I believe the government generally has people's best interest in mind.
47 I believe that elders generally have people's best interest in mind.
48 I believe the government should do more to help people.
49 I was raised by a divorced or a single parent.
50 I find as many opportunities as I can to express myself.

Scoring instructions: A True response equals one (1) point. A False response equals zero (0).

Step 1

Record and total (add up) your total for the following items:

Item Number Score 1 / 0

Okay, so your total for Step 1 gives you your Millennial Personality Score. The higher the number, the more Millennial you are.

Step 2

Record and total (add up) your total for the following items:

Item Number Score 1 / 0

Your total for Step 2 gives you your Getting Old Personality Score. The higher the number, the more not-Millennial you are.

Step 3

Record and total (add up) your total for the following items:

Item Number Score 1 / 0

Your total for Step 3 gives you your Trying to Look Good Score. You were just endorsing items as True that you thought might make you look good, and this is a sign of dishonest test-taking. If you got a 1 or a 2 on Step 3, then your entire test is of suspect validity.

Step 4

Record and total (add up) your total for the following items:

Item Number Score 1 / 0*
26 *Reverse your score — enter 1 if you answered False
32 *Reverse your score — enter 1 if you answered False

Your total for Step 4 gives you your Trying to Look Bad Score. You were endorsing items as True that you thought might make you look bad, and this is a sign of dishonest test-taking. So, if you got a 2 or higher on Step 4, then your entire test is of suspect validity.

Summary and interpretation

Let's see just how Millennial you actually are (or not):

  1. Percent of your personality that is Millennial.

    Total from Step 1 divided by 27 = your Millennial Factor

  2. Percent of your personality that is Getting Old.

    Total from Step 2 divided by 15 = your Getting Old Factor

  3. Validity score (how honest were you?)

    Total from Steps 3 and 4 divided by 8 = your Dishonesty Factor (lower is better!)

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

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About the book author:

Adam Cash is a clinical psychologist who has practiced in a variety of settings including forensic institutions and outpatient clinics. He has taught Psychology at both the community college and university levels. He is currently in private practice specializing in psychological assessment, child psychology, and neurodevelopmental disorders.