
How to Pronounce Wine Names

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2016-03-26 22:04:34
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Nothing will set a wine snob on your case more quickly than a mispronounced name of a famous wine or wine region. The pronunciations of dozens of wines and wine regions appear in the table below, for easy reference.

The stressed syllable in each word is capitalized; if no syllable is capitalized, all syllables carry equal weight.

Wine Name or Term Pronunciation
Alsace al zass
Anjou ahn jhew
Arneis ahr NASE
Au Bon Climat oh bone klee maht
Auslese OUSE lay seh
Auxerrois aus ser whah
Auxey-Duresses awk say deh ress
Barbera bar BEAR ah
Barolo bah RO lo
Beaujolais boh jhoe lay
Beaulieu (Vineyards) bo l’yuh
Bougros boo groh
Bourgogne boor guh nyuh
Bourgueil bor guh’y
Brouilly broo yee
Brut broot
Cabernet Sauvignon cab er nay saw vee nyon
Canaiolo cahn eye OH loh
Carmignano car mee NYAH no
Chablis shah blee
Chardonnay shar doh nay
Chassagne-Montrachet shah san yuh mon rah shay
(Château de) Fieuzal fee oo zahl
(Château) Grillet gree yay
(Château) Haut-Brion oh bree ohn
(Château) Lafite-Rothschild lah feet roth sheeld
(Château) Mouton-Rothschild moo tohn roth sheeld
(Château) Petrus peh troos
(Château) Trotanoy trot ahn wah
Châteauneuf-du-Pape shah toe nuf dew pahp
Chénas shay nahs
Chenin Blanc shen in blahnk
Chianti key AHN tee
Chinon she nohn
Colheita col YAI tah
Condrieu cohn dree uh
Côte de Beaune coat deh bone
Côte Chalonnaise coat shal oh naze
Côte d’Or coat dor
Côte de Nuits coat deh nwee
Côte Rôtie coat roe tee
Côtes du Ventoux coat due vahn too
Cuvée coo vay
Dolcetto dohl CHET oh
(Domaine) Leroy lay wah
Eisele (Vineyard) EYE seh lee
Fleurie fluh ree
Friuli-Venezia Giulia free OO lee veh NETZ ee ah JOO lee ah
Galicia gah LEETH ee ah
Garrafeira gar ah FAIR ah
Gavi GAH vee
Genevrières jen ev ree aire
Gewürztraminer geh VAIRTZ trah mee ner
Gigondas jhee gohn dahs
Givry jee vree
Graves grahv
Grenouilles greh n’wee
Grüner Veltliner GREW ner VELT lee ner
Haut-Brion oh bree ohn
Haut-Médoc oh may doc
Hermitage er mee tahj
Les Clos lay cloh
Les Forêts lay for ay
Les Preuses lay preuhz
Liebfraumilch LEEB frow milsh
Listrac lee strahk
Loire lwahr
Mâcon-Villages mac cawn vee lahj
Margaux mahr go
Médoc meh doc
Menetou-Salon meh neh too sah lohn
Mercurey mer cure ay
Merlot mer loh
Meursault muhr so
Moët moh ett
Mont de Milieu mon deh meh lyew
Montagny mon tah nyee
Montepulciano d’Abruzzo mon tae pul chee AH noh dah BRUTE so
Monthélie mohn teh lee
Montlouis mon loo wee
Montrachet mon rah shay
Moschofilero mos cho FEEL eh roe
Mosel-Saar-Ruwer MOH zel-zar-ROO ver
Moulis moo lees
Müller-Thurgau MOO lair TOOR gow
Muscadet moos cah day
Nahe NAH heh
Nantais nahn tay
Neuchatel NOI sha tel
Niederosterreich nee der OZ ter ryke
Orvieto or vee AE toh
Pauillac poy yac
Penedés pen eh DAIS
Perrier-Jouët per ree yay joo ett
Pfalz fallz
Pinot Bianco pee noh bee AHN coh
Pinot Blanc pee noh blahnk
Pinot Grigio pee noh GREE joe
Pinot Gris pee noh gree
Pinot Noir pee noh nwahr
Pinotage pee noh TAHJ
Pouilly-Fuissé pwee fwee say
Pouilly-Fumé pwee foo may
Priorato pree oh RAH to
Qualitätswein KAL ee tates vine
Quincy can see
Quinta KEEN ta
Regnie ray nyay
Reuilly reuh yee
Rheinhessen RYNE hess ehn
Ribera del Duero ree BEAR ah del doo AIR oh
Ribolla Gialla ree BOHL lah JAHL lah
Riesling REESE ling
Rioja ree OH hah
Rueda roo AE dah
Rully rouh yee
Saint-Amour sant ah more
Saint-Aubin sant oh ban
Saint-Romain san ro man
Saint-Véran san veh rahn
Sancerre sahn sair
Sangiovese san joe VAE sae
Saumur soh muhr
Sauvignon Blanc saw vee nyon blahnk
Savennieres sah ven nyair
Scheurebe SHOY reb beh
Semillon SEM eh lon (Australian)
Sémillon seh mee yohn (French)
Spätlese SHPATE lay seh
spumante spoo MAHN tay
St-Estèphe sant eh steff
St-Julien sant jhoo lee ehn
Steiermark STY er mark
Tempranillo tem prah NEE yoh
Tinto TEEN toe
Tre Venezie trae veh NETZ ee ae
Vacqueyras vah keh rahs
Vaillons vye yon
Valmur vahl moor
Valpolicella val po lee CHEL lah
Vaudésir voh deh zeer
Vendange Tardive vahn dahnj tahr deev
Veneto VEN eh toh
Verdejo ver DAY ho
Verdicchio ver DEE key oh
Vernaccia di San Gimignano ver NOTCH cha dee san jee mee NYAH noh
Vinho VEEN yo
Vinho Verde VEEN yo VAIRD
(Vino) Nobile di Montepulciano NO be lay dee mon tay pul chee AH no
Viognier vee oh nyay
Vosne-Romanée vone roh mah nay
Vouvray voo vray
Wachau va COW
Weissburgunder VICE boor gun der
Wien vee EN
Xinomavro ksee NO mav roe

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