Chair Yoga For Dummies
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All forms of yoga breathing are similar, but they have subtle differences. If you’re a practitioner of traditional soft-form yoga, you need to note a few critical differences between the Power Yoga breathing techniques and those of your current yoga practice. With traditional yoga breathing, you use the complete yoga breathing technique, but in traditional yoga breathing, you expand the lower abdominal muscles on inhalations and contract those muscles on exhalation.

Incorporate proper yoga breathing, called ujjayi, in every Power Yoga pose. You know you have it down when you make a slight purring or hissing sound as you inhale and exhale. Follow these steps to become familiar with proper yoga breathing:

  1. Sit comfortably.

  2. Close your eyes and inhale slowly through your nose, fully expanding your lungs.

  3. Exhale just as slowly through your nose.

  4. Keep breathing through your nose and tighten your throat muscles a bit as you whisper “haaaaa” through your mouth.

  5. Continue breathing deeply and slowly, feeling and hearing the air passing through your slightly tightened throat and over the roof of your mouth.

In Power Yoga breathing, you keep your abdominal muscles firm and slightly contracted. When you inhale, you expand your chest and lift your rib cage. As you exhale, your chest sinks and your lungs contract. Your abdominal muscles remain engaged throughout the breathing cycle. The Power Yoga breathing technique is best for giving you strength and stability as you practice your poses, and this added stability can help you avoid injuries.

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About the book author:

Larry Payne, PhD, is the president of The International Association of Yoga Therapists. He founded Samata International Yoga and Health Center and is the author of Yoga After 50 For Dummies.

Georg Feuerstein, PhD, was internationally respected for his contribution to Yoga research and the history of consciousness.

Sherri Baptiste is an inspirational teacher at the forefront of yoga training in the United States. She was born into a rich heritage and family of pioneering teachers; her parents, Maga a and Walt Baptiste, established yoga on the West Coast in the mid-1950s. Her brother, Baron Baptiste, authored the book Journey into Power: How to Sculpt Your Ideal Body, Free Your True Self, and Transform Your Life With Yoga (Fireside). Sherri has been teaching yoga since her teens and is the founder of Baptiste Power of Yoga, a nationally recognized yoga method, as well as a yoga-with-weights teacher-training program and a yoga teacher certification and advancing studies program recognized by Yoga Alliance. Sherri presents classes and workshops throughout the United States; she s a presenter for Western Athletics Bay Clubs, Gold s Gym, Nautilus, Equinox, IDEA World Fitness, Body Mind Spirit, ECA; and she offers many yoga retreats, including retreats at Kripalu, Omega, Haramara, Green Gulch Zen Center, Rancho La Puerta Spa, and Feathered Pipe Ranch. A radio and television personality, she s featured in video, DVD, and CD Power of Yoga and Power of Meditation programs. You can learn more about Sherri at the following Web sites: www.powerofyoga.com and www.yogawithweights.com.

Stephan Bodian is an internationally known author, psychotherapist, and teacher. He leads regular intensives and retreats and offers spiritual counseling and mentoring to people throughout the world. His bestselling app Mindfulness Meditation (with Mental Workout) has been praised in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.