
German Travel-Related Words and Phrases

2016-03-26 22:01:49
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Traveling in German-speaking countries can be confusing if you can't read the signs or understand the instructions you're given. Learning a few useful travel-related words and phrases in German before you begin traveling can save you time and reduce your frustration level.

Here are a few general travel-related terms that everyone should know before making the big trip.

Reisepass (passport)
der Koffer [m] (suitcase)
der Rucksack (backpack)
das Gepäck (baggage)
flugschein [m] (airplane ticket
Zoll [m] (customs)
die Fahrkarte (ticket)
die Reservierung (reservation)

Making or changing travel arrangements

While traveling in a German-speaking country, you often need to make or change your travel arrangements. Whether you are scheduling a flight or a train trip, the following words can help you with the reservation and ticket-buying process.

Rückfahrkarte (round trip ticket)
einfache Fahrkarte (one-way ticket)
Platz(Sitz) (seat)
Bahnhof (train station)
der Zug (train)
S-Bahn [f] (local train)
der Flug [m] (flight)
Flughafen (airport)

The following phrases are some of the most common questions that you might need to ask when making travel arrangements in German-speaking countries.

  • Ich möchte eine Fahrkarte reservieren. (I would like to reserve a ticket.)

  • Wir möchten zwei Flugtickets nach New York kaufen. (We want to buy two plane tickets to New York.)

  • Wie viel kostet die Fahrkarte? (How much does the ticket cost?)

  • Gibt es eine Studenten-ermäßigung? (Is there a discount for students?)

  • Wir möchten bar bezahlen. (We want to pay cash.)

  • Dieses ist mein Handgepäck. (This is my carry-on bag.)

  • Wann kommen wir in Berlin an? (When do we arrive in Berlin?)

Dealing with the hotel

Although many of the larger hotels in German-speaking countries have English-speaking staff, you rarely find that in the smaller hotels and in the smaller towns. The following words can help you when booking a hotel.

Dusche [f] (shower)
Einzelzimmer [n] (single room)
Klimaanlage [f] (air conditioning)
Rezeption [f] (reception desk)
Schlüssel [m] (key)
das Bett (bed)
die Betttücher (sheets)
das Kissen (pillow)

The following phrases can help you make or change your hotel reservations.

  • Welches Hotel ist am billigsten? (Which hotel is the cheapest?)

  • Wie weit ist das Hotel vom Bahnhof entfernt? (How far is the hotel from the train station?)

  • Haben Sie noch ein Zimmer frei? (Are there rooms available?)

  • Bis wann muss man sich abmelden? (What time is checkout?)

  • Ich möchte ein Zimmer mit Dusche. (I'd like a room with a shower.)

  • Ich möchte ein Einzelbett. (I'd like a single bed.)

  • Kann ich bitte noch eine Decke haben? (Can I have another blanket, please?)

  • Herein! (Come in!)

Other travel words

When talking about traveling in German-speaking countries, it helps to know the right verbs to express what you want to do. The following are common German travel-related verbs.

reservieren (to reserve)
absagen (to cancel)
ankommen (to arrive)
mieten (to rent)
abfahren (to leave)
bezahlen (to pay)
abholen (to pick up someone [from the airport])

About This Article

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About the book author:

Edward Swick (Chicago, IL) has been a foreign language teacher for more than 30 years. After studying at the University of Hamburg in Germany as a Fulbright scholar, he completed his Master's Degree in German, Russian, and English at Southern Illinois University. He now resides in Chicago, where he works full time on German and ESL instructional materials.