
Fitting Personality Plus into a Pug

2016-03-26 22:55:41
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Although Pugs love to be taken care of, they also like to pay attention to their owners. They have loving and affectionate personalities, which means they're perfect companions for anyone who likes to get affection from his or her pooch. They're ideal lap warmers and very loyal to their families.

Putting a big dog into a little body

Pugs have a big idea about themselves and think that they're the prime movers and shakers in their households. They probably are because most owners end up catering to their Pug's needs. A Pug is determined to get what she wants, but only if she doesn't have to go too far from the couch.

Getting a heavenly house dog

Pugs are easy to get along with and don't require that much space to keep. As long as they have their toys, a comfortable bed to sleep on (yours), and enough food to keep them satisfied, Pugs are great to live with. They also like having you around and are happiest when you're nearby. No matter what you're doing, they're usually quite happy to be doing the exact same thing.

Satisfying a Curious George Pug

Leave an interesting object out where Puggy can see it, and soon it's gone. Pugs like to investigate things and get up close and very personal with your belongings. Although their sense of smell isn't as well developed as other breeds, a Pug still likes to test it out. In fact, she wants to sniff things until they're very wet and soggy. For example, if you leave a check sitting on the coffee table, in no time at all, it's separated into tiny wads of paper.

However, you need to be careful because this curiosity can kill a Pug. To prevent your Pug from injuring herself (or worse), don't leave poisonous substances or sharp objects around that your Pug may be tempted to investigate. If an object looks interesting or has any kind of a food aroma, it's probably going to be Pug history.

Clowning around: Pugs just wanna have fun

Pugs are clowns, and if you laugh even once at something they do, they gladly keep repeating the act to get you to laugh again and again. Fun is their middle name, and it's hard for a Pug to walk into a room without sizing up what she can get away with.

If you have two Pugs at home, count on them to make a toy out of anything. They love to play and find things to tug at and chew up.

Having a busy calendar: Pugs like stimulation

As much as a Pug likes to be a lap dog, she also enjoys seeing and doing new things and discovering new adventures. As with any dog who's always confined to the house, Pugs can easily get bored. Finding activities you can both enjoy keeps your Pug happy about life and less motivated to want to eat. Provide new and interesting toys for your Pug to maintain her interest around the house. Taking her along on safe outings can also please her.

Finding another jogging partner: Pugs and intense exercise don't mix

If you're a jogger, don't even think that your Pug wants to accompany you on long-distance runs. Although her spirit may be in the activity, her body isn't, and she stops running or walking when she feels like it. Never walk a Pug farther than you're willing to carry her. Sometimes she may just sit down on an outing and refuse to go anywhere.

When planning to do some outdoor exercise with your Pug, check the temperature first. Pugs aren't hot weather, outdoorsy types and definitely need to stay cool during workouts.

Now, some Pugs do like to swim and hike, and they're perfectly able to do so if they're properly conditioned. Swimming Pugs aren't that common, but they've been known to actually like the water. If a Pug learns to like the water, swimming is a great activity for her — especially because you don't have to worry about her getting too hot. A pool is always cool!

Getting out to socialize: Pugs love people

Pugs are really people dogs. They crave a lot of human companionship and affection and want to be around you all the time. Expect a Pug to follow you from room to room and to want to go out for a car ride with you whenever you leave home.

Pugs are also naturally attracted to children — maybe because they're nearly the same size! When children understand dogs and respect them, they can make great companions for each other. Be sure to always supervise children when they're playing with your Pug and don't leave them alone unattended.

Paying attention: Pugs like to be noticed

If a Pug thinks that you're neglecting her, you can count on her to come up with something creative to get your attention.

Leave it to a Pug to do anything to get you to look at her. She can wind up in the oddest places just to see your reaction. Although Pugs don't leap buildings in a single bound, they do like to do some jumping, and if they can figure out how to slowly creep up to the couch or a favorite chair, they're going to do it.

Accepting the big snore: Pugs and snoring go together

Pugs are no different than any other breed with a short muzzle — make that a very short muzzle — and pushed-in nose. They make a variety of noises while they nap or sleep. Find a comfy pillow at home, and you most likely see a Pug off in dreamland and letting the world know all about it. She makes just about every nasal sound you can think of, from a low snort to some good solid pump-up-the-volume breathing.

If you're a Pug lover, you probably get so used to their sounds that you don't even hear this snooze alarm. Other people, however, may not think of it as music to their ears, so it's a good thing they can always get earplugs. But as long as Puggy's breathing is regular, the snore is a perfectly healthy sound.

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About the book author:

Elaine Waldorf Gewirtz is a member of the Dog Writers Association. She has written articles for Dog Fancy, Dog World, and The AKC Gazette, among other magazines.