
Sharing Digital Photos as E-Mail Attachments

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2016-03-27 15:10:47
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You can attach image files to an e-mail message and send that e-mail to share your pictures. Any e-mail program that supports attachments can send your photo files, so you can share your digital photos from the comfort of your computer. To send photos in Microsoft Outlook Express:

Connect to the Internet and fire up Outlook Express.

Or, if you use a different e-mail program, log into it and follow these steps as best you can.

Choose File→New→Mail Message.

You’re presented with a blank mail window.

Enter the recipient’s name, e-mail address, and subject information.

Just do what you normally do when sending an e-mail.

Choose Insert→File Attachment or click the Attach File button on the toolbar.

Choose Insert→File Attachment or click the Attach File button on the toolbar.

A dialog box appears. Most programs provide a toolbar button to attach files.

Track down the image file that you want to attach, select it, and click Attach.

Track down the image file that you want to attach, select it, and click Attach.

You’re then returned to the message composition window.

Choose File→Send Message or click the Send button to launch that image into cyberspace.

If everything goes right, your e-mail recipient should receive the image in no time.

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