
Why IDEs Are Important for Python Programming

2018-02-28 11:55:53
Python Essentials For Dummies
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A good question to ask is, why do you need an IDE to work with Python if the command-line tool works fine? For that matter, Python actually comes with a limited IDE called Integrated DeveLopement Environment (IDLE). Most people probably question the need for anything more during the learning process and possibly to develop full-fledged applications. Unfortunately, the tools that come with Python are interesting and even helpful in getting started, but they won’t help you create useful applications with any ease. If you choose to work with Python long term, you really need a better tool.

Creating better code

A good IDE contains a certain amount of intelligence. For example, the IDE can suggest alternatives when you type the incorrect keyword, or it can tell you that a certain line of code simply won’t work as written. The more intelligence that an IDE contains, the less hard you have to work to write better code. Writing better code is essential because no one wants to spend hours looking for errors, called bugs.

IDEs vary greatly in the level and kind of intelligence they provide, which is why so many IDEs exist. You may find the level of help obtained from one IDE to be insufficient to your needs, but another IDE hovers over you like a mother hen. Every developer has different needs and, therefore, different IDE requirements. The point is to obtain an IDE that helps you write clean, efficient code quickly and easily.

Debugging functionality

Finding bugs (errors) in your code is a process called debugging. Even the most expert developer in the world spends time debugging. Writing perfect code on the first pass is nearly impossible. When you do, it’s cause for celebration because it won’t happen often. Consequently, the debugging capabilities of your IDE are critical. Unfortunately, the debugging capabilities of the native Python tools are almost nonexistent. If you spend any time at all debugging, you quickly find the native tools annoying because of what they don’t tell you about your code.

The best IDEs double as training tools. Given enough features, an IDE can help you explore code written by true experts. Tracing through applications is a time-honored method of learning new skills and honing the skills you already possess. A seemingly small advance in knowledge can often become a huge savings in time later. When looking for an IDE, don’t just look at debugging features as a means to remove errors — see them also as a means to learn new things about Python.

Defining why notebooks are useful

Most IDEs look like fancy text editors, and that’s precisely what they are. Yes, you get all sorts of intelligent features, hints, tips, code coloring, and so on, but at the end of the day, they’re all text editors. There’s nothing wrong with text editors. However, given that Python developers often focus on scientific applications that require something better than pure text presentation, using notebooks instead can be helpful.

A notebook differs from a text editor in that it focuses on a technique advanced by Stanford computer scientist Donald Knuth called literate programming. You use literate programming to create a kind of presentation of code, notes, math equations, and graphics. In short, you wind up with a scientist’s notebook full of everything needed to understand the code completely. You commonly see literate programming techniques used in high-priced packages such as Mathematica and MATLAB. Notebook development excels at

  • Demonstration
  • Collaboration
  • Research
  • Teaching objectives
  • Presentation
You might consider the Anaconda tool collection because it provides you with a great Python coding experience, but also helps you discover the enormous potential of literate programming techniques. If you spend a lot of time performing scientific tasks, Anaconda and products like it are essential. In addition, Anaconda is free, so you get the benefits of the literate programming style without the cost of other packages.

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About the book author:

John Paul Mueller is a freelance author and technical editor. He has writing in his blood, having produced 100 books and more than 600 articles to date. The topics range from networking to home security and from database management to heads-down programming. John has provided technical services to both Data Based Advisor and Coast Compute magazines.