Helpful Discord bots
When it comes to Discord, bots are the best helpers in adding to your stream content, functionality, and other additional options. You can incorporate keyword-enabled messages that can inform people of where to find your latest highlight video, post frequently asked-for URLs, and quickly share other tidbits of information. Other bots welcome new people to the server, inform you of special events happening online, and even provide a level of security for you and your community. Here are a few online helpers worthy of your attention:
Integrations with Discord
Under “Connections” are all the various apps you can integrate with Discord. Integrations allow for your Discord to work with other platforms to syndicate and curate content for your server, and even add options for your community to interact with these various platforms. The connections you can make to your server include:
Supported media on Discord
When you are posting on Discord, you can add to your post a variety of different media. Here is a quick look at what you can add to your post to make your content stand out and bring more to a conversation.
- URLs (websites)
- JPG and PNG images (photos and artwork saved either with Joint Photographic Experts Group or Portable Network Graphic formats)
- Animated GIFs
- MP3 files (compressed audio files)
- M4V and MP4 files (compressed video files)
- Emojis and Emotes
Discord in its standard form will not upload any media files larger than 8MB in size.
Preparing to interview son Discord
Maybe you have experience with interviewing people; but in case this is undiscovered country for you, here are a few tips and strategies in making an interview work for both you and the interview subject. If you have experience with interviews, you might find a new tip or two here. Good luck!
Tips for preparing for an interview:
- Know who you’re talking to and what you want to talk about. It’s a good idea to visit guests’ Web sites and do research. You don’t have to be an expert on their subject matter, but you should be familiar with it.
- Have your questions follow a logical progression.
- Prepare twice the number of questions that you think you’ll need. Then if your guest gives brief answers, you have a stockpile of questions to call upon.
- Never worry about asking a stupid question. Chances are, your audience has never heard it answered
Reliable interview questions to ask:
- Who are you and what do you do (profession-wise)?
- When did you first launch your Discord server?
- You are a streamer but it appears that your Discord is geared more for [angle on the individual>. What brought about that evolution?
- What drives your community? What is it about your server that keeps people coming back?
- What do you think is the greatest challenge starting a Discord server?
- What is your proudest moment with Discord? Is it sharing your gaming experiences, sharing creative ideas, or discovering new tools from your community that help you accomplish creative tasks?
- What is the life lesson that Discord has taught you?
Creating a green room for voice comms on Discord
The green room is where guests on a talk show or members of a cast wait to make an entrance. A green room is helpful if you want to keep a semblance of organization to your comms, something you want to make a priority when you are streaming content. Without a green room, your voice channels are open for anyone who wants to come in and completely derail your train of thought, or worse, take hold of your conversation and monopolize it.
- Go to the Voice Channels section and either single-click the gear wheel by Voice Comms or right-click your Voice Comms and select the Edit Channel option.
- In the Edit Channel window, go to Permissions and scroll down to the Voice Permissions section. Click the @everyone role and find the Connect option. Click the red X found to the right of it.
- Select the Moderator role and single-click the green checkmark for the Connect permission.
- Return to your Voice Channels and single-click the “+” option to add a new Voice Channel. Name the channel Green Room and then click the Create Channel button.
- Right-click Green Room and select the Edit Channel option. In the Overview option, set the User Limit to 10 to allow only 10 users in the Green Room.
- Click the Save Changes button.
- Leave all of the Green Room permissions at their default settings.
- Tell members of your community to wait in the Green Room.
- Once you recognize names of those you have invited, click and drag guests from the Green Room to Voice Comms.
- Enjoy the chat!