
LSAT Analytical Reasoning Practice Questions

2022-10-04 21:00:30
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You will see questions on the LSAT that deal with analytic reasoning. These questions require you to use your reasoning skills to answer questions that contain a number of conditions. Any practice you can do before test day will only help your ability to answer these questions and improve your confidence.

Analytical reasoning sample questions

Six plays are scheduled to be performed at the Dionysia, the annual theater festival in Athens. They are: Antigone, Clouds, Electra, Frogs, Helen, and Orestes. The plays will be performed on six consecutive days, beginning on Tuesday. In order to mix up comedy and tragedy, give the actors an occasional break, and accommodate the desires of the town fathers, the organizers must observe the following rules when arranging the schedule:

The performance of Helen is scheduled for Thursday.

Antigone must be performed on a day sometime after Orestes.

At least one of the plays is performed between the performance of Antigone and the performance of Frogs.

Exactly one of the plays is performed between the performances of Clouds and Frogs, and they must have a break of exactly one day between performances.

  1. Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule for the festival, starting with the play performed on Tuesday?

    • (A) Antigone, Electra, Helen, Frogs, Orestes, Clouds

    • (B) Electra, Orestes, Helen, Clouds, Antigone, Frogs

    • (C) Frogs, Clouds, Helen, Orestes, Antigone, Electra

    • (D) Orestes, Frogs, Helen, Clouds, Antigone, Electra

    • (E) Orestes, Antigone, Frogs, Helen, Clouds, Electra

  2. Which one of the following must be true?

    • (A) Either Antigone or Orestes is performed on Wednesday.

    • (B) Either Antigone or Orestes is performed on Friday.

    • (C) Either Clouds or Frogs is performed on Wednesday.

    • (D) Either Clouds or Frogs is performed on Friday.

    • (E) Either Electra or Orestes is performed on Saturday.

  3. Which play CANNOT be performed on Sunday?

    • (A) Antigone

    • (B) Clouds

    • (C) Electra

    • (D) Frogs

    • (E) Orestes

  4. Which one of the following must be false?

    • (A) Antigone and Clouds are performed on consecutive days, with no other play between them.

    • (B) Exactly one play is performed between Antigone and Clouds.

    • (C) Electra and Orestes are performed on consecutive days, with no other play between them.

    • (D) Frogs and Orestes are performed on consecutive days, with no other play between them.

    • (E) Exactly one play is performed between Helen and Orestes.

  5. Which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the days on which Frogs could be performed?

    • (A) Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

    • (B) Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

    • (C) Wednesday, Friday

    • (D) Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

    • (E) Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

  6. Which one of the following CANNOT be true?

    • (A) Clouds is performed on Wednesday.

    • (B) Electra is performed on Wednesday.

    • (C) Frogs is performed on Wednesday.

    • (D) Orestes is performed on Tuesday.

    • (E) Orestes is performed on Saturday.


  1. D. Orestes, Frogs, Helen, Clouds, Antigone, Electra

  2. D. Either Clouds or Frogs is performed on Friday.

  3. E. Orestes

  4. C. Electra and Orestes are performed on consecutive days, with no other play between them.

  5. B. Electra is performed on Wednesday.

  6. D. Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

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Lisa Zimmer Hatch, MA, has been helping students excel on standardized tests since 1987. She has written curricula and taught students internationally through live lectures, online forums, DVDs, and independent study, and has authored numerous test-prep texts.

Scott A. Hatch, JD, has been helping students excel on standardized tests since 1987. He has written curricula and taught students internationally through live lectures, online forums, DVDs, and independent study, and have authored numerous test-prep texts.