Emotional Health Books

Find emotional wellness techniques such as mindfulness and reiki, info on anger and anxiety, and tips for tackling depression and building willpower. Plus wisdom to soothe your sometimes-stormy heart.

Emotional Health Books

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Personal Boundaries For Dummies

Learn how to create healthy personal and relationship boundaries Boundaries are limits we establish for ourselves and implement through action or communication. Personal Boundaries For Dummies gives you all the basics on what boundaries look like (spoiler: they aren't "one-size-fits-all”), along with step-by-step instructions for figuring out what your boundaries are and communicating them with others. When you start to level-up your boundaries, you might experience pushback from the people in your life, but don’t worry—this book also helps you navigate these challenges. Create clarity, mutual respect, and harmony in all your relationships—especially your relationship with yourself—with this clear and helpful Dummies guide. Explore the different types of boundaries and how they work in relationships Identify your own limits and non-negotiables so you can set boundaries with others Get advice on what to do when people don’t respect your boundaries Learn when to seek professional helpSetting boundaries is a form of self-care, and each of us must create boundaries for our own safety, health, and well-being. Get started with Personal Boundaries For Dummies!

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Loneliness For Dummies

Combat the rising epidemic of loneliness with trustworthy information and advice Loneliness for Dummies helps readers understand loneliness and how to take steps to overcome this unwanted feeling. At some point in life, loneliness affects everyone. It can be triggered by unusual situations and events like children leaving home, losing a loved one, working remotely, moving, divorce, or retirement. It can also occur seemingly without reason. Thanks to this book, you don’t have to be afraid of being lonely. Loneliness For Dummies explains that loneliness is a natural reaction that signals us to make a change. You’ll learn the signs to look out for to assess loneliness, why people feel lonely, and most importantly, step-by-step actions you can take to reduce your feelings of loneliness. Read case studies of people who have felt lonely to see how they overcame loneliness. This book includes a simple scale to help you measure how lonely you feel, so you can identify which changes to make and assess your progress. Learn why people feel lonely, including the situations that trigger loneliness and what this uncomfortable feeling means Discover the signs of loneliness so you can recognize it in others and step in to help Complete a questionnaire to gauge your own loneliness and identify steps you can take to feel less lonely Make changes to your lifestyle that will lead to greater satisfaction in the long runThis is the perfect Dummies guide for anyone who is currently feeling adrift without social connections and wants to make a change. Organizations looking for a reference for students or outreach professionals will also appreciate Loneliness For Dummies.

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Living Your Best Life After 50 All-in-One For Dummies

Get inspired — and prepared — for your best life at 50+ Living Your Best Life after 50 All-in-One For Dummies is your guide as you explore new opportunities and make the most of your fifties and the decades that follow. Find a new job, travel for weeks or months at a time, boost your health with yoga routines, take up pickleball—whatever it is you want to do, this book will inspire you to improve your life and show you how to get there. You’ll also find timely information about planning and budgeting for retirement, withdrawing money from IRAs and 401(k)s, and taking Social Security. With this fun- and information-packed Dummies resource, you can look forward to your future with enthusiasm and purpose. Change jobs, move up in your career, or get ready for retirement Get tips for travel, living like a nomad, cooking after the kids leave home, downsizing, and other handy topics for this time of your life Stay in tip-top shape with fun activities like yoga and pickleball Get your finances in order and make sure you can live the life you want on Social Security and retirement income This book is a great choice for readers looking to make the second half of life the best half.

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Burnout For Dummies

Your essential guide to beating burnout and finding fulfillment Chronic, unmanaged stress—at work, at home, or in other areas of life—can lead to burnout. Burnout For Dummies shows you the way toward understanding and overcoming this all-to-common condition of modern life. Many of us find ourselves living in a state of constant resignation, which sucks the joy out of life and can be detrimental to our physical health. The tips and exercises in this book can help you minimize stress, become more resilient and create a happier, healthier, and more satisfying life.  Mindfulness and resilience guru Dr. Eva Selhub offers a science-based plan that you can use to destress, build inner resources and coping skills, and start enjoying life (and work) again. Listen to guided meditations that you can do anytime, anywhere to help cultivate mindfulness and manage your stress Discover tips for reconnecting to the joy that you felt before burnout took over Overcome the heavy burden of burnout and learn how you can find a pace for your life that feeds, rather than depletes you Find true fulfillment in your work and obligations with proven techniques for loving yourself and your life Burnout For Dummies is the essential guide for anyone feeling overwhelmed, overworked, stressed out, run-down, and ready to make a change.

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Adulting For Dummies

Learn to adult even better than your parents Even though it’s tougher than ever, this adulting thing doesn’t come with instructions! The moment you turn 18 you’re expected to be a master of everything from personal finance to household chores, even if you’ve never done any of these things before. It’s no wonder that a lot of people just like you are looking for a guide to adulthood that doesn’t assume you magically learned how to do laundry and invest in a 401(k) on your eighteenth birthday. In Adulting For Dummies, Gencie Houy, independent living educator at Texas Tech, walks you through every critical part of adulting on your own. From basic life and household tasks to managing your finances and health, you’ll learn how to achieve your goals in each area of your life that matters to you. You’ll also discover how to balance the different parts of your life so you don’t get overwhelmed in any one area. The book also offers: Advice on navigating the modern dating scene and communicating with family members, friends, and romantic partners Guidance on budgeting your money and saving up for a house (yes, it’s still possible!) Easy strategies for keeping your home in order and in good shapeNo one said being an adult is easy. But, with help from your friends at Dummies, it doesn’t have to be impossible. Grab a copy of Adulting For Dummies today!

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Reiki For Dummies

Reiki—the alternative medicine therapy that's becoming mainstream Reiki is a subtle, non-invasive form of healing that uses spiritually guided life force energy, and 60% of top hospitals in the United States now offer it as complementary treatment for anxiety, depression, pain relief, and more. Reiki For Dummies is a clear and easy-to-follow guide to the origins of Reiki, where you can study Reiki, what it can do for you, what to expect in a session, and how to use Reiki at home. This book takes you through the principles, practice, and uses of Reiki—even if you're skeptical or taking your first Reiki class. Dummies is the perfect starting point for anyone interested in benefiting from Reiki or becoming a Reiki healer. Discover how Reiki fits in with other healing practices, and how it just might transform your life. This book makes it easy. Learn what Reiki is and how to find a Reiki practitioner Prepare for your Reiki session and set realistic goals and expectations Explore Reiki classes, symbols, and techniques Get started performing Reiki with basic hand positions and self-treatment Discover the fascinating history and evolution of this Japanese healing practice This edition has been expanded with new information on self-Reiki, mind-body healing with Reiki, and becoming a Reiki professional. Plus, you'll find the latest Reiki resources to expand your healing journey.

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Anxiety & Depression Workbook For Dummies

Tackle anxiety and depression head-on with this practical workbook If you're one of the millions of people affected by—or whose loved ones are affected by—anxiety and depression, you're probably looking for strategies to help subdue or even transcend these debilitating and painful disorders. In that case, Anxiety and Depression Workbook For Dummies is a great place to start. This book is filled with chapters that cut across diagnostic categories, incorporating treatment techniques based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy. Use the techniques explored in this book to start making real changes, which can quickly lead to you feeling better. It also includes: Practical and hands-on descriptions of mindfulness-based practices you can implement immediately Brand-new updates to reflect modern changes in technology, social media, and the prevalence of loneliness Consideration of the pros and cons of medications and other biological interventions for depression and anxiety, including exploration of the placebo effect Additional worksheets online available for download Perfect for anyone trying to work through the challenging issues presented by anxiety and depression, for those trying to help a loved one do the same thing, or for those in therapy, this book is an excellent supporting resource that can help contribute to positive changes in the lives of people affected by emotional distress.

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Anger Management For Dummies

Learn to mitigate your anger and take charge of your life  Everyone experiences anger from time to time, but when left unchecked or unbridled, this normal human emotion can become disruptive and damage relationships. If you’re ready to stop letting anger control your life, turn to Anger Management For Dummies. This trusted source gives you tools to identify the source of your anger—whether it’s fear, depression, anxiety, or stress—and offers ways to deal with the “flight or fight” instinct that anger produces, allowing you to release yourself and your life from its grip. Anger Management For Dummies outlines specific anger management methods, skills, and exercises that you can use to take control of your feelings and actions. It provides:  Information on the different kinds of rage, including road, air, and office  A look at Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) and how to manage aggression  Advice on how to deal with angry children and teens  Details on how anger is related to the "fight, flight, or freeze" response of the nervous system and prepares you to fight (for good or bad)  Overcoming anger issues requires support, mindfulness, and a bit of practice—all of which this book provides. When you’re ready to face your triggers and change your perspective on the emotions of anger or rage, let Anger Management For Dummies give you the helping hand you need.    

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Self-Compassion For Dummies

Become your own best friend and reap the life-changing benefits!  Being kind to yourself might sound simple, but self-compassion can change your life dramatically (and most of us are WAY kinder to others than to ourselves)  Self-Compassion For Dummies will help you discover self-critical thoughts and self-defeating behaviors that are holding you back from fulfilling your potential and explore how you can learn to work around these things to find your way to more joy and satisfaction. We often think being hard on ourselves will help motivate us to be better people, but Dr. Steven Hickman’s review of the research finds that just the opposite is true. When you learn to love and appreciate yourself completely (as an imperfect human with messy feelings and uncomfortable thoughts), you free yourself up to achieve great things. This book will show you how!  Befriending yourself and coping mindfully with the challenges of everyday life is easy with this practical guide. You’ll learn how to give yourself a taste of your own medicine by turning understanding, acceptance, and love—stuff you already do for others all the time—inward.   Discover the research behind self-compassion and learn how it can help you face your insecurities and life a fuller life as a result  Cultivate feelings of self-worth, acceptance, and love for someone who really deserves it—you!   Explore the potential of self-compassion to address self-criticism, perfectionism, shame, self-doubt, anxiety, and anger  Work through evidence-based exercises and practices to easily master the art of self-compassion as a daily way of being and not just an esoteric exercise  Now more than ever, we need to offer support and love to ourselves. Thankfully, this is a skill we can all develop with a little help from Self-Compassion For Dummies. 

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Depression For Dummies

The good news on beating the blues  Do you want the good, the bad, or the best news first? OK, the bad news is that an estimated 264+ million people worldwide suffer from a depressive illness. The good news is that we know how to defeat these illnesses better than ever before using a growing range of highly effective psychotherapies, medications, and other therapeutic methods that are improving all the time. And the best news: because of these advances, the majority  of people no longer need to suffer the debilitating—and sometimes dangerous—effects of long-term depressive illness. The new edition of Depression For Dummies shows how you can make this happen for you by providing the latest and best information on how to banish the noonday demon and bring the sunshine back into your world. In this friendly, cheerful, no-nonsense guide, leading clinical psychologists Laura L. Smith and Charles H. Elliot give you the straight talk on what you face and proven, practical advice on how to punch back and win. Showing you how to know your enemy, they demystify common types of depression, explain its physical effects, and help identify the kind you have. Armed in this way, you can take firmer steps toward the lifestyle changes—as well as therapy or medication—that will put you back in control. Learn about different forms of depression  Build simple, daily habits into your life that help banish the blues  Understand conventional, alternative, and experimental therapies  Move on: avoid relapses and stay happy!   Whatever your level of depression—occasional bouts or long-term—this book gives you the insight, the tools, and the inner strength and persistence to put enjoyment back in your life.  

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