
Addressing Concerns: The Fifth Step in the Selling Cycle

2016-03-26 7:58:43
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The fifth step in the selling cycle is to address your potential client's concerns. By this point, you've wowed them with your presentation. How do you handle any negative comments or concerns your buyer raises during or after your presentation? Answer in simple, unemotional terms, and have recommendations in mind.

For example, if your product is available only in certain colors, and none of them quite fits the décor of your prospect’s office, be prepared to point out the least offensive color as being somewhat complementary. In fact, when you get around to discussing the colors, suggest something like this: “Based on your color scheme, the Sunrise Blue would best complement your décor.” That way, you’ve already seen and addressed the objection before the prospect brings it up.

If you sidestep obstacles during your presentation, there’s a good chance they’ll come back to haunt you when you do make the sale. Find a way to bring up and elaborate on any concerns about fulfilling the needs of the buyer as early in the presentation as is appropriate. Don’t let unfulfilled expectations bring your potential for a long-term relationship with a buyer to a bitter end. Cover all her concerns and make sure that she understands how those concerns will be handled — and that she’s comfortable with your solution.

The most common concern you’ll encounter in your entire selling career is the good old standby stall: “I want to think it over.” When someone says she wants to think it over, it often means she’s interested in owning your product but needs more information or to consult with someone else.

She wouldn’t waste her time objecting if she had no interest in it at all, would she? And if she’s interested, you need to strike while the iron is hot. Find out exactly what it is she wants to think over. Sometimes, she needs clarification of the finer points of your presentation. However, in the majority of cases, you’ll find that it’s the money that causes her to stall.

Surprise, surprise! Everyone wants a bargain. Unless your product or service is severely underpriced, most of your potential clients will want to bargain or will hesitate to see whether you’ll offer to include something else just to get them to buy.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Tom Hopkins is the epitome of sales success. A millionaire by the time he reached the age of 27, he is now chairman of Tom Hopkins International Inc., one of the most prestigious sales-training organizations in the world.