
Avoiding the Words "We Don't Do New Business"

2017-02-03 20:02:39
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The "we don't do new business" stance is bull. You may be a single client agency that has grown up servicing the needs of one or a few key clients and be at capacity. What happens when a key person at your client leaves? What happens when he decides on a change? Every company should invest some effort into new business all the time, regardless of how busy you convince yourself you are.

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, a famous London West End creative agency took the "we don't do new business approach" and did brilliantly for some years. Where is it now? Taken over by a rival many years ago because the clients went away, the work dried up, and it had forgotten how do find new business. Many small and not-so-small businesses fail due to lack of new business. Don't be one of them.

But it doesn't have to be like that. Another way to drive new business is to invest in a winning new business program. Winning new business programs are worth their weight in gold and should never be considered an optional extra. Even when times are tough — in fact, especially when times are tough — continue to invest in new business programs because they are the best way to grow your business.

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About the book author:

Stewart Stuchbury is a creative agency and SME new business consultant. He developed the TLG (Targeted Lead Generation) new business methodology that has been at the forefront of creative services new business for almost 20 years. He believes that the only real new business opportunities are those that are well qualified from the beginning.