
Designer Dogs: Border Collie Hybrids

2020-10-25 15:46:14
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Mixed Breeds For Dummies
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Designer dogs are growing in popularity, and they’re often more expensive than purebred pups. Why? Because they’re unique. People who want to create a hybrid dog breed based on intelligence and not coat type will often use the Border Collie breed as one of the parents. One of the positive outcomes of using Border Collies in a hybrid crossing is that they have few genetic health problems.

Borador (Border Collie/Labrador Retriever)

The Borador is often medium to large with large feet, a long muzzle, and light brown eyes; some have upright ears. The coat can be either medium length or short with any combination of colors ranging from all yellow to all black or with typical Border Collie white around the neck, on the paws, and on the nose.

Borador Illustration by Barbara Frake

Here’s a typical Borador. You can see both breeds very clearly in this dog.

These two breeds complement each other well. Where the Border Collie might be overly sensitive, the Labrador Retriever is bold. Where a Lab may not be able to figure something out, the Border Collie puts in reason. Where a Border Collie might constantly want to chase farm animals and round them up, the Lab feels more relaxed about work, more likely to wait for the cues from his human companions instead of striking out to work on his own.

In all, Boradors are easy to care for, easy to train, friendly, and often very healthy. They’re wonderful companions.

Bordernese (Bernese Mountain Dog/Border Collie)

A Bordernese appears much like a Border Collie only larger. The coloring of the coat is similar with black and white, sometimes tan eyebrows. The coat texture is also similar; long, smooth, and thick. Both breeds have long muzzles, dark eyes, and long tails with a slight upward curve.

Bordernese Illustration by Barbara Frake

The Bordernese looks very much like a larger Border Collie with the added tan highlights over the eyes.

Both breeds were developed as herding dogs. Therefore, both are very intelligent and easy to train. The difference in temperament lies in the Border Collie being a higher-energy worker than the Bernese Mountain Dog and also far more sensitive. Border Collies generally don’t interact well with children, whereas the Bernese Mountain Dog adores children.

Mixing these two breeds together creates a larger herding dog with a medium energy level and fairly outgoing personality. However, Bernese Mountain Dogs don’t have the same longevity of a Border Collie, so the hybrid offspring may not either. Another issue with mixing these two breeds together is that both are prone to the same genetic defects such as hip and elbow dysplasia, eye problems, and heart problems. Border Collies also might have horrendous allergic reactions to flea bites, as well as epilepsy. The hybrid offspring are highly likely to not have good hybrid vigor.

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About the book author:

Miriam Fields-Babineau has been a professional animal trainer since 1978 and is the author of 45 books in the field, including one on how to train cats! A psychologist and zoologist, she takes her work home with her and lives in Vermont with her family, dogs, cats, and horses.