
New Question Formats on the TASC

2017-03-21 19:34:43
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Since 2015, the TASC, or Test Assessing Secondary Completion, has begun to feature a variety of new question formats. Because the TASC is now offered as a computer-based test, there are now more options available for online questions and responses, including multiple-select response and drag-and-drop questions.

You can also find interactive demonstrations of these new formats on the TASC website.

Here are some of the new formats you can expect to see:
  • Constructed response—A constructed-response item is a short-answer question. Instead of choosing from four multiple-choice answers, you have to come up with your own answer.
  • Multiple-select response—This type of question is just like the familiar multiple-choice questions that you’re probably already used to, but with one big difference — instead of having a single correct answer, there is more than one possible answer, so you have to make sure you read the instructions carefully and select all the correct answers.
  • Evidence-based select response—You may see this format on the Language Arts–Reading test. In the first part, Part A, you read and analyze a text and then choose a conclusion from four multiple-choice options. In the second part, Part B, you choose evidence from the text to support your conclusion in Part A. The second part may be in multiple-choice format or it may be a multiple-select response.
  • Drag and drop—In this format, on the computer version of the test, you drag and drop the correct responses to complete the blanks or empty boxes in the question stem.

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About the book author:

Stuart Donnelly, PhD, earned his doctorate in mathe-matics from Oxford University at the age of 25. Since then, he has established successful tutoring services in both Hong Kong and the United States and is considered by leading educators to be one of the most experienced and qualified private tutors in the country.