
How You Score Points on the TASC

2017-03-21 18:41:11
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When you take the TASC, or Test Assessing Secondary Completion, the way you're scored will depend on the section. For example, in the multiple-choice and gridded-response sections, each question is worth 1 point.

Having said that, there are some things you need to keep in mind:

  • You don't get points off for selecting the wrong answer, so make sure to answer every question.
  • Multiple-response questions may be scored differently because they may have more than one correct answer.
  • In reading questions with a Part A and Part B, you must successfully answer Part B to get credit for the question as a whole.
Now onto the essay: Your essay will be read by two readers who will each score it from 0 to 4. If both scores match or are within a point of each other, then the scores are added together and that is your essay score (out of 8 possible points). For example, if the readers score your essay as a 2 and a 3, then your essay score will be 5. On the other hand, if the two scores differ by more than a point, then a third reader will be asked to score your essay as well. For example, if the two original readers score your essay as a 2 and a 4, that's a 2-point difference, so a third reader will be brought in to read your essay. The sum of the two scores out of the three which are closest together will then be used for your overall score.

The total of all your earned points is your raw score for each section. Your raw score is then put into a mathematical algorithm to compute your scaled score. You'll receive this score (the scaled score) on your score report for each of the five areas. If you earn passing scores on all five sections, then you'll have passed the entire TASC test. The overall score is the average of the five separate subject areas. Passing scores for the subject areas are as follows:

  • Language Arts–Reading: 500
  • Language Arts–Writing: 500 and at least a 2 out of 8 on the essay
  • Mathematics: 500
  • Social Studies: 500
  • Science: 500
Besides your passing scores, you'll also receive a College and Career Readiness (CCR) score in each of the five areas. This score is used to gauge how likely a person is to succeed in college courses. If you meet or exceed the CCR passing score, then it indicates that you're likely to earn a C or better in college courses in that content area.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Stuart Donnelly, PhD, earned his doctorate in mathe-matics from Oxford University at the age of 25. Since then, he has established successful tutoring services in both Hong Kong and the United States and is considered by leading educators to be one of the most experienced and qualified private tutors in the country.