
Top 10 Benefits of Direct Sales

2016-03-26 7:17:27
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You may have been drawn to start your direct sales business for any number of reasons. Following is a list of the top ten benefits of owning and operating a direct sales business.

Increase in income

Whether your business is a way to supplement your income, replace a full-time salary, or enjoy financial freedom, your direct sales business can help you achieve your goals depending on the time and effort you put into your new business. You can choose to give yourself a pay raise at any time simply by increasing your efforts. Many people enjoy above-average earnings in this industry compared to many others.

It is also a business where your previous experience or education does not play a significant part in what you are able to earn or achieve.

People use their direct sales business to pay for things like the following:

  • Children's sports teams and classes

  • Household expenses

  • Car or home insurance

  • Mortgage or rent

  • Debt and credit card payments

  • Vacations and other luxury items

  • Retirement

Your direct sales business gives you the opportunity to write your own paycheck.

Flexible schedule

Direct sales works for you whether or not

  • You work a full-time job.

  • You're trying to make a little money in a short amount of time.

  • You're a stay-at-home parent who wants to work around the family's schedule and not give away 75 percent of income to daycare.

  • You're a college student who wants to work around a class schedule.

  • You're a retiree who wants to start something new and/or supplement a pension.

Direct sales meets the needs of lots of different individuals and circumstances. Your direct sales business gives you the opportunity to create your own business hours and work your schedule around your existing priorities and responsibilities.

Be your own boss and work from home

In direct sales, you work for yourself and don't have to answer to anyone. You have the support and encouragement of many others, including your company, but you have the ability to choose when you want to work.

You also have the opportunity to schedule vacations, take off special holidays, attend special events with your family, and participate in community events. Ultimately, you can spend your time in the areas that matter most to you.

Working from home has many benefits, including saving on expenses related to working outside the home. You can wear whatever you want to "work" — though people who get dressed and ready for their day are more productive. You can work wherever you want, whenever you want. Working from home allows you to stay on top of household chores, responsibilities, and run errands at times that suit you.

And lastly, because you're in charge of your success and of how much you want to work, you can give yourself a pay raise whenever you choose.

Friendships and relationships

When you join direct sales, you suddenly have a whole new group of like-minded friends who share some of the same interests as you. For people moving to a new area, it is a great way to meet a new group of friends.

In addition to the friendship, you get support from your team and from your company. In direct sales, your colleagues want to see you succeed and encourage you to do so. Your promotion within your company is not at the expense of someone else, because there is enough room for everyone to achieve success. Representatives have the ability to grow at their own pace and create their own definition of success. All this adds up to a friendly and supportive community not only within your company, but within the industry as a whole.

Incentives and recognition

Everyone loves recognition. In fact, many surveys show that the number one thing people value in a job — above income — is being recognized and appreciated for a job well done.

In direct sales, you are continually being recognized for your achievements, from the smallest shout-outs on your Facebook page to the product rewards in your Fast Start program — plus the many ongoing programs throughout the year. There really is nothing better than being recognized by your company and your peers.

Incentives can be an incredible way for you to receive and experience things you would not otherwise have had the chance to. Special electronic devices, jewelry, accessories, and all-expenses-paid vacations to very desirable locations all over the world are all things you can achieve with your company, just for working your business.

Business skills

Your direct sales business will help you learn many different business skills that will help you in all areas of your life. This is especially true for the college student as well as those dreaming of owning their own business. There really is no better training for someone looking to develop multiple skill sets, such as the following:

  • Time management

  • Organization

  • Presentation skills

  • Speaking skills

  • Money management

  • Party planning

  • Effective coaching

  • Sales techniques

  • Customer service

Personal growth

Many people experience a surge of self-confidence through their business. You can see them transform before your eyes.

People who could not talk in front of others are now comfortable with public speaking. People who were afraid to venture from home can now travel anywhere. And people who often shied away from team situations are now moving into leadership roles. Many reps have told me they've even been promoted in their day jobs because their manager or employer saw such a positive change in them.

Increased self-esteem, believing in yourself, patience, empathy, and being an encourager of others are all positive changes people see through direct sales. Your direct sales business can help you become more well-read and well-traveled through the many incentive trips you can earn. All this allows you to connect, engage, and increase your circle of influence.


Being a mentor and having a mentor are two of the greatest benefits you can enjoy in life. Sometimes knowing where to find a mentor or how to be a mentor to someone else can be difficult, but it is a natural fit in direct sales.

Your upline leader or sponsor many times will become a great mentor to you, and you will learn things not only about your business but about yourself. As you build relationships, you'll find that you'll have many different mentors. And because of the friendships you build, you will receive mentoring on a variety of topics other than just business.

Many people have been where you are and have gone where you want to go. As you build a team, you will become a mentor to others. Becoming a mentor is very rewarding and can in fact mean as much to your life as the income you generate. Knowing you made a difference and had an impact on another person's life is priceless.

Discount on products

For many people, being able to purchase product at a discounted price is a big benefit — especially if it is a consumable product that you use on a regular basis. For others, direct sales is a way to get all the things they want over a period of time at a discounted price. If you really love a product, it only seems natural that you will share it with others. This gives you the opportunity to earn some income at the same time.

You will also be privy to all the newest products on the market before other customers are. This is a huge plus for people who like to stay ahead of trends and be the first to get their hands on the hottest new product.

Tax benefits

Having a home-based business or being in business for yourself comes with some tax benefits. It is also a great way to keep more of your money throughout the year. Of course it's important to seek out a professional in your area who can assist you with this. You can enjoy deductions on things like the following:

  • Automobile

  • Business supplies

  • Percentage of mortgage or rent

  • Personal development

  • Trips related to your business

  • Utilities

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